Daddy Kinks

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Reader's POV

It was just another long day at the office and I was very tired so I thought what better way to spend the rest of my day then to take a nap. I moved in with Levi not so long ago because he ordered me too.

His house is really nice. He looks like he cleans it everyday. There's not even a speck of dust anywhere. They don't call him Mr. Clean freak for nothing.

I opened my closet door and threw on a tank top and a pair of shorts I brought when I went on a shopping trip with Mikasa and the rest of the girls, including Armin. (Armin is allowed to go anywhere with us because we all know that Armin is best girl.)

And just like that I was knocked out as soon as my head touched the cold side of my pillow.

Time skip to about 2 hours

I woke up to my hands being in handcuffs and not only that but I was completely naked. I saw Levi sitting on a chair that was across from our bed, wearing nothing but his boxers.

“Your up, brat. Took you long enough.”

“I should've known that being Levi Ackerman's girlfriend meant walking up completely naked and in handcuffs. I'm not even going to ask why you have those.”

“My closest is filled with toys just for you.” he said.

I couldn't help but smirk. “Toys? What are you Christian Gray?”

Did I noticed a whip that was in his hand, “Yoi won't be making those smart remarks when I'm pounding you like the little whore that you are.”

“Now daddy, we can talk about this and handle this like grown adults-”

“Nobody can save you now, F/N.”

I swallowed. Hard

Well I'm too lazy to write anything else but let's just say when you woke up the next morning you couldn't walk and he still kept you in handcuffs until he made breakfast and brought you breakfast in bed 🙃.

50 Shades of Ackerman {Modern Levi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now