Chapter 30

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Ellie's POV:

Abby is on energy drinks since this morning. She especially drinks the energy drinks when it comes to shopping so that she doesn't get tired of going from one store to another.

That is what Aidan told me when I asked him about how Abby is not tired yet.

I didn't believe him at first. I scowled at him and pushed him away for saying that.

But now I'm starting to believe him.

I really think she is on energy drinks.

You must be wondering what's happening. Well to understand that, let me give you a brief explanation.

After breakfast was finished, Abby and I helped Lucy to clean the kitchen. When that was over, she didn't waste a single second and ushered Aidan and me outside to the car.

Once we were buckled in, Aidan drove us to the mall where they sell gowns and dresses of all types.

As soon as we were inside the mall, Abby grabbed both of us and dragged us around from one store to another in order to find a dress for me.

So far, every store we went to wasn't appealing to her. So we went from there to another.

I have no idea how many stores we went to because I lost count after the 5th store.

In between that, she had went on and bought heels and jewelry for me saying it would look amazing on me.

Now all she had to find was a dress that would look just as amazing.

Every store we went to, she had me try on a lot of dresses and rejected each and every one of them.

"Abby!" I groaned. My legs were starting to hurt. "Can we take a break? My legs are hurting."

Abby whirled around to face me because she was walking ahead of us. She had a concerned expression on her face.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

Really? That's all it took for her to stop? If that's what it took then I should have told her that a long time ago.

"Yeah. Just seed some rest." I said.

Abby came beside me. "I'm sorry. I was so focused on shopping that I forgot that you just got better." She said.

"It's fine." I said and waved her away.

We sat down on one of the benches they had in the middle of the hallway to take a small break.

Aidan wasn't with us at the moment. He went to the food court to get some milkshakes for us.

I let out a sigh of relief when I sat down. My aching legs got happy they got to rest.

Abby and I made a few conversations about anything we could think of during the time we were sitting here.

Our chatting was interrupted by Aidan.

"You guys are here?" He asked coming to where we were sitting. "I've searched the entire building looking for you both."

We told him to meet us at a store that I don't remember the name of. I guess we forgot that he would go there.

"Sorry. Ellie got tired." Abby said.

Aidan looked from her to me. "Are you alright?" He asked sitting down next to me.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I said.

He nodded and passed me a chocolate milkshake while Abby got a strawberry one.

Just then, a little girl approached us. She was just about five and was so cute with an oval face, dark brown eyes and brown hair.

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