Chapter 48

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Ellie's POV:

Our heads snap to the door as if expecting anyone to break in and rush inside any minute.

Both of us were thinking the same thing:

It's the police!

Just that we had different reactions. His was more along the lines of terror and anger while mine was of relief.

He didn't want to give up this quick. He wanted to continue with his interrogation. But this time, he changed his game plan a little bit.

He wasn't going to go easy on me now.

Not wanting to waste time, Mr. Casual turned towards me with an expression that best fits a raging bull. He pulled the knife from my fingers and stabbed my hand with it.

I screamed as I felt the blade go completely through my hand, piercing the skin on both sides, and dug into the table my hand was on, pinning my hand on it in the process.

"Tell me, what you wanted to do here!" He yelled.

"I already told you!" I yelled right back.

It was the pain. It was making me yell at him. I didn't do it intentionally. But me yelling at him gave away that I was lying.

He produced another knife from his pocket and stabbed my other hand in the same manner.

I screamed again and thrashed against the chair trying to get out.

He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me in my place firmly. He looked me straight in the eye saying, "The truth Ellie. Tell me the truth and I'll stop."

"I already told you the truth." I croaked. "I was here to save my friends."

He groaned and pulled away, running his finger through his hair.

"Ellie, you're wasting my time here!" He said.

Up on the ceiling, I could hear the sound of footsteps rushing around. It would be a matter of time before they reach here.

"Do you not see this?" He asked. "Listen to me. If you just cooperate with me, I'll let you go easily. No one has to get hurt."

"I. Already. Got. Hurt." I spat each word.

"This is different." He said. "I'm trying to get you to confess."

"How is this-" I made a mistake to move my hands and ended up letting out a loud scream.

I liked at him with hate and anger clear in my eyes as I shouted, "GET THESE KNIVES OUT OF MY HANDS!"

He came over and clamped his hand on my mouth to stop me from screaming any further. A second later, I realized why.

Upstairs, a chaos had started and I could here yelling coming from up there. What they were saying, I couldn't really decipher because the words were muffled completely.

"Shut up or I'll kill you." Mr. Casual, whispered in my ear.

His other hand moved behind my head, pulling at my hair. I yelped but it wasn't audible because of his hand. "You have wasted my time for nothing. Now, you'll have to die." He said.

His hand released my hair and reached into his back to pull out a gun. "It was nice to meet you." He said and put the gun on my temple.

Just as he was about to pull the trigger, the door burst open and a lot of men filed inside, all of them holding guns.

"Drop your weapon!" One of them commanded.

They surround the entire room so there was nowhere Mr. Casual could escape from. He liked around at all the cops in the room. He knew he couldn't escape.

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