Chapter 36

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Third person's POV:

A few minutes after getting off the phone with the three in trouble, Andrew turned to Steve.

"I need to borrow you laptop." He said.

Steve looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Why?"

Andrew rolled his eyes. "So I can-" He stopped shirt when he saw what he was looking for.

"Whose is that?" He asked instead pointing at the laptop behind Steve.

Steve turned and saw the laptop as well. "That's Aidan's." He replied.

Andrew stood up and opened the laptop, pressing the power button.

"What's his password?" He asked.

"Nothing. He never keeps passwords on anything he owns." Steve replied. "Now why do you need it for?"

"So I can track down Izzy's location. I remember I embedded a tracker in one of her earrings. If I can just connect that to this laptop, I can find out where she is. As well as Aid and Ells."

"It's honestly pretty obvious where they are." Steve said.

Andrew, still focused on his work, asked, "Yeah? Where's that?"

"They're at Jaxon's house of course. If anything, he would have to keep all three of them in his sights."

Andrew shook his head. "That's what he wants us to think. He has a lot houses all across the country. If I'm not mistaken, he has at least five in this state alone."

"Then why did he wrote that he wanted to meet you and not mention the address of where he was? He should have kept them at his house." Elizabeth piped up.

"Because, Liz... He wanted me to go to his house. Not where Aid, Ells and Izzy are. He knows that I know where he lives. Which makes it more of a reason to not have them held hostage at his actual house."

It took every occupant of the room a minute to understand his explanation. When it did, Steve smiled a big smile and said, "That actually makes sense... Holy! I could kiss your brain Drew!"

Andrew held up a finger, not looking away from the screen. "Refrain from doing that please. Now let me concentrate."

Five whole minutes of silence and doing nothing but watching as Andrew fiddle with the laptop, the door bell rang.

All do them exchange glances. Except for Andrew since he wasn't looking away from the laptop.

"Whoever goes to answer the door, check who is at the door first." He said.

Steve nodded and went to see who came. He looked through the peephole to see a distressed Jake running back and forth.

Immediately he opened the door. "Jake?" He asked.

Jake looked at him and sighed. "Oh thank the lord! Dad!"

Steve opened the door wider to let him in. "What happened to you? Were are Ellie and Aidan?"

"I told you what happened to me. We were being chased by some men and Ellie and Aidan were taken by them."

"You were with them when they were taken?" He asked.

Jake nodded. "I was. When I was getting out of the car with both of them, they pushed me back inside and told me to go home and tell their father that Jaxon Trevino is waiting for him." He paused. "Wait. Their father as in-"

Andrew's voice came from the living room, cutting him off. "As in me Jake! Come here."

Jake looked at his father then back to living room where the voice had come from. He pointed in that direction as if asking his dad, 'Is that really him?'

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