Chapter 32 (Part One)

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Aidan's POV:

The first thing I felt when I woke up in the morning was Jake shaking me vigorously yelling 'happy birthday'.

I swear he acts like a kid a lot more than a kid does.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" He yelled in my ear. "Come on birthday boy! We need to wake up the birthday girl!"

I groaned and turned over in my bed. "Go away Jacob."

"Nuh-uh. Wake up!" He yelled again.

I winced. His voice is hurting my ears. "What's wrong with you?" I asked.

"I'm hyper!"


"Because it's your birthday! Now get up."

I sighed and sat up from my bed. I pulled the covers off me and put one foot on the floor.

Apparently, I was taking too much time doing that because Jake shoved me off my bed and ran out of my room towards Ellie's room.

"Jacob! I'll kill you!" I shouted after him oy to hear his laughter in return.

I sighed again and went to the bathroom. After getting ready, I went outside my room. I opened the door just in time to hear, "I'll kill you, Jacob Thompson!

Jake ran out of Ellie's room in a panic and went downstairs. Ellie came out after him, drenched from head to toe.

"Not a pleasant way to wake up on your birthday is it?" I asked leaning on the wall.

Ellie's glare turned from Jake to me. For a minute, just for a minute, I felt what Jake might have felt.

I gulped.

Holy, her glares are scary.

"I was drenched in ice cold water in an ice cold room. I'm freezing." She reached for her shirt and pulled it.

I heard soft cracks ice as she did so and winced.

Ellie already feels unnaturally cold. Even in a hot weather, she doesn't feel that hot. For Jake to pour cold water on her might lead to hypothermia.

"Just go change into something dry. Then come downstairs." I said.

Ellie nodded and went back into her room while I went downstairs. I stepped into the kitchen to see Jake trying to reach for the pancakes and mom slapping his hand away every time.

"Good morning." I greeted.

Mom turned to me and smiled. "Good morning. How did you sleep?"

I raised an eyebrow. Mom never asked me that question before. "I slept well. Why are you asking?"

Mom waved her hand. "Nothing. You just turned 18 today. Feel any different?"

I shook my head. "Nope. I felt the same I did yesterday." I took a seat at the counter.

Seeing that mom was focused on me now, Jake reached out and attempted to take a pancake but mom slapped his hand away again.

"Mom!" He whined.

"What? Wait for your father and Ellie to come down and then you can take as many as you want." She said. Jake's eyes lit up. Know what he was thinking she added, "But only one at a time."

Jake pouted. He leaned back in his seat with his eyebrows furrowed and arms crossed as he attempted to glare at me.

Honestly, he looks a bit funny.

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