Chapter 39

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Third person's POV:

Andrew parked the car in the driveway. As soon as the car stopped, Aidan leaned forward in his seat and was about to ask, "Well, now we're home. Can you answer my question now?"

But he didn't get the chance to.

He had just opened his mouth when Andrew got out of the car and ran inside the house.

Literally, he ran inside the house in order to avoid answering Aidan and Ellie's questions.

He opened the door of the house, not waiting for anyone and shut the door. Behind him, Steve came around and asked, "Drew? Where are Ellie, Isabelle and Aidan?"

"So nice of you to express your worries for me, brother. But I'm doing just fine. It's not like l'm about to have a heart attack right now." Andrew replied.

Steve rolled his eyes. "Hi Drew! How are you? Oh never mind that. You're probably doing fine, like you always do. Now where are Ellie, Aidan and Isabelle?"

"They're outside." He replied. He started to pace the length of the entry hall, trying to come up with a way to tell his children the truth.

"And what are they doing outside?" Steve asked, crossing his arms.

Andrew didn't hear the question and started to ramble. "I don't know what to do right now Steve. I don't think I'm ready to tell them. I know for a fact that they'll hate me to no ends. But at the same time, they have the right to know. I have no idea how to tell them the truth without sounding like a total wimp! Steve! You need to help me! I need help-" Andrew was about to start shaking Steve by his shoulders but Steve stepped back just in time and cut him off.

"Wait! Hold the train! What are you even talking about?" He asked.

Andrew looked at him with a strange look. "Are you serious? I'm talking about telling Ellie and Aidan the truth of course. Is your brain not working at all today?"

Steve held up a finger. "Okay. One, your brain works over time that's not my fault. Two, you were not being clear about your situation. And three, I'm older than you." He said as he help up a finger each time he said a number.

"I don't bloody care! I need you to help me."

"What do you need me to do? You know what to say. Besides, it should be you who tell them not me."

Andrew nodded. "I know. I know. I want you to be there. Just keep me glued to my seat so I don't chicken out and run like I did right now."

Steve smiled at him, amused. "You ran away from Ellie and Aidan because you chickened out?" He asked.

In turn he got a warning glare. "Don't you dare. Don't call me out on it. If you were in my position, you'd do the same."

Steve's mouth turned into an 'o' shape and he nodded. "I see." He said.

"You see? What do you see? Do you have any ideas on how to keep me from running away? Or better yet, do you have an idea on how to tell them without making me sound like a wimp?" Andrew asked.

Steve shook his head. "Drew, you're loosing your mind. Aidan and Ellie won't hate you because they'll understand that it wasn't your fault to begin with."

"It was my fault! I could have-" Steve cut Andrew off again.

"Andrew! You couldn't have done anything at all You know you couldn't have. Keeping both of them safe was your only goal at the time and you accomplished it." He said. Then added, "With minor complications."

Andrew's head snapped up hearing the word, 'minor'.

"Minor?" He asked. "You think Ellie's condition was a minor complication? She almost died, Steve!"

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