Who Do You Like? Part 1 [Reno X Reader]

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"So who do you like?"

Elena immediately scoffed with a roll of her eyes. She glared over at Reno. "Is that all you're capable of talking about?"

"What? It's fun," Reno pouted. He rolled his head over towards you and a smirk slowly formed. "So, [Y/N], who do you like?"

"No one," you muttered in boredom while clicking around on your phone.

"Ah, come on, that's no fun. You have to like someone." He glanced towards Elena and Rude who were on the opposite side of the table.

You turned off the screen on your phone and looked at your fellow Turk. "Sorry, I just don't like anyone."

Reno frowned. "Seriously?"

"Seriously," you sighed and slipped your phone into your jacket. You grabbed your glass of soda and swirled around the ice cubes and took a sip. Everyone else was drinking some form of alcohol, someone needed to be sober.

"Why not?" Reno slumped towards you.

"We're Turks, Reno. Liking someone is a liability."

"Psh, that's a lie," Reno pulled away and rolled his head against the back of the booth. "There's somethin' else you're not telling us."

"Too bad for you." You frowned as you realized you had just finished your soda. The waiter was avoiding your booth, so it'd be a while before you got a refill. There was little you could use to distract you from the pouting red-head. Your phone didn't have that much charge remaining.

"Look, Rude likes Tifa. Elena obviously likes Tseng. So why don't you just tell us why you don't like anyone?" Reno slurred and slammed back a shot.

"You didn't say who you like," you countered. "I already knew all of that anyway."

"I'll tell you who I like if you tell me why you don't like anyone."

"Just drop it, Reno."

"No, I'm not gonna drop it, so just tell me!" he whined and slid so he was putting all of his weight on you.

"Stop!" you shrieked and worked to push him off.

"Tell me!"


"Do it!" He was no pushing more weight on you. The tequila was coming off of his breath in waves and into your nose.

"I'm unlovable!" you growled and finally pushed him off. He fell to the floor in a heap. You stepped over his body with your empty glass of soda in your hand. "Damn it, Reno!"

"Ow," Reno grumbled. He sat up and shook his head. Then, it slowly hit him. "Wait, what did you say?"

You ignored him and went straight towards the bar. "Can I get a refill, please?" The bartender took the glass after you told him which soda you wanted.

"What do you mean you're unlovable?" Reno questioned. He huffed out a breath of air after he nearly slammed himself into the bar.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Well, I'm gonna." Reno wobbled ever so slightly. "Because...because you're not unlovable. You're like, this incredible person. Fuck whoever says otherwise, they're just some lame bitch."

"I say otherwise."

Reno paused. "I'd normally say you're some lame bitch, but you're not. For one, you're fun to hang out with. Even sober. That's super hard to be. You're funny, even though you're a major dork."

"You're the dork," you grumbled.

"I heard that. I'm not a dork, I'm hot."

"So you're saying that I'm not hot?"

"You can be hot and a dork," Reno corrected himself. "But not in my case."

"Whatever, you're just drunk."

"That I am, but I'm also right." He slung an arm around you. "You're also a good friend. You're smart and a good fighter. You're incredibly lovable."

"Okay, liar." You grabbed her soda from the bartender. "Thanks." Shrugging off Reno's arm, you started to head back towards your booth.

"I'm not lying!" Reno grabbed your free hand and pulled you to look at him. His eyebrows were slanted down and his lips were pressed into a thin line. "You're the one I like, [Y/N]. So stop staying you're not lovable, because dammit, you are! Don't fight me on this!"

"Tell me this again when you're sober and maybe I'll believe you." You snatched your wrist back and turned your back on him before trotting back. You slid into the booth and refused to say a word to the concerned looking Rude and Elena.

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