A Fortune [Reeve/Reader]

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"I'm Cait Sith! A fortune reader, it's nice to meetcha!" the robotic cat chimed and did a small dance.

You giggled lightly and knelt down to the cat's level. You stuck out a hand to shake its paw. "It's nice to meet you, too! I'm [Y/N]."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful person!" The cat grinned, showing off its realistic fangs. "How about a fortune? It'll be on the house!" You nodded your head. The cat threw its golden crown into the air and spun around. After it caught it, the cat jumped onto its moogle mount. A piece of paper popped out of the top of the mount.

"Your true love will rescue you in a time of no hope!" the cat read out loud.

You blinked and tilted your head. "Must be way off in the future, then." You looked around at the desert prison you were currently trapped in. "Or maybe pretty soon. But I seriously doubt my true love is in this place." You laughed lightly. "Is it okay if I keep that fortune, Cait Sith?"

The cat hopped off the moogle and trotted up to you. He gently placed it off at you and smiled with his eyes closed.


"I wish I was able to ride the chocobo," you pouted while being released from Corel Prison. Cait Sith somehow snorted through his puppet body. It sounded almost as if there was a real person speaking through. "What's so funny?"

"You like those giant birds?" Cait Sith looked up at you with a slight smirk, however that was possible on the cat's body.

"Well, yeah. I love animals in general. It's why I'm with this band of misfits. To try and save the planet from Sephiroth, Jenova, and Shinra."

"Well, why don't we go ahead and ride some Chocobos? There are some that gather right out of the desert. We can make a pitstop on the way to Cosmo Canyon."

You stopped in your tracks and a wide grin enveloped your face. "Really?" Cait Sith looked over his shoulder at you and nodded. "Yes!" You ran up and grabbed the cat's body. You spun in a circle laughing before placing the cat back on the moogle. "This is going to be so much fun!"


The bonfire crackled into the night. You sat with your knees pulled to your chest. The flames kissed your skin with its heat. With a sigh, you looked up into the sky where smaller bonfires twinkled in space.

"What are you thinking about?" Cait Sith spoke. You glanced over, picking up that whoever was controlling him was the one asking the question. There was a slight change in movements whenever Cait Sith was on autopilot or whenever the person controlling him took over. You never said anything to anyone about it.

Looking back at the fire you, shrugged. "I just...No matter what I do, it'll never be enough. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm just doing more harm than anything else. If I should just stop."

Cait Sith jumped off his moogle and sat in your lap. Your fingers automatically started to run through his fur. "How about another fortune?" he asked quietly. You hummed in agreement. This time, there was no dance. Instead, he sat there. "You make every day special."

You smiled lightly. "That's not really a fortune, Cait."

"Fine! Then, how about, someone out there loves you!"

A small giggle passed your lips. "And who would that be?"

"That's a secret!"

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