The Light [Vincent/Reader]

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Fighting real-life monsters? No big deal. Even the ghosts or the zombie-like ones were fine with you. But when it came to the cheesy haunted house? You were absolutely terrified.

"You do realize, for all intents and purposes, I am technically a zombie, right?" Vincent sighed from next to you. You were currently clinging onto him with your face buried into his arm.

"But you're not scary," you whimpered. Thunder reverberated throughout the haunted mansion. Your fingers clung onto the fabric of his shirt even tighter.

Vincent huffed. Most people would disagree and say he was terrifying. Just one look at his eyes sent others the other way. When he was pushed to his limit, he would transform into one of the many monsters inside of his body. He knows you've seen it happen, so why you were clinging onto him for dear life was beyond him.

The pair of you finally made it towards where the rest of the group was. Vincent glared at Yuffie who was outwardly cackling. The others at least had the decency to try and hide their amusement. Cloud turned away and approached the front desk to book a few rooms. Just as he was going to say something, there was a scream. You jolted as the hangman fell from the ceiling.

Vincent sighed and placed his free hand on top of your head. He was careful to not cut you with his gauntlet, which made him wonder why you were clinging onto him and not one of the others. Barret was a father and better suited for this. Cloud was the leader of the group. Tifa and Aerith were both kind and would definitely help you. Hell, even Cait Sith and Red XIII were at least soft. Though, he didn't blame you for not clinging onto Yuffie. She'd probably only make things worse. All the others, sans Yuffie, would be better at comforting you than him. He was the worst monster in the haunted house.

"Here's your room key," Cloud stated, drifting Vincent from his thoughts. His mako filled eyes drifted down to your form. He glanced back at Vincent with a small smirk. "You two have fun."

Vincent's eye twitched as he took the key and slowly began to guide you towards the hotel room. Though his ears did not miss Aerith and Tifa giggling together, wondering if both of you were finally an item.

Vincent held in an internal scoff. He was keenly aware that you were attached to him like a duckling to its mother, but that was only because he was the closest one near you at the time. Someone like you would not go for someone like him.

Vincent unlocked the door to the hotel room. He cringed ever so slightly when he saw it was just as "spooky" as the rest of the hotel. Reluctantly, you let go and went to put away your things. Vincent watched as you tried desperately to ignore everything around you. He continued to gaze, knowing you most definitely wouldn't like him like that.

For one thing, you were far too kind. No matter what was going on in your life, you were always stopping to help the people around you. When he first joined the party, you immediately caught on that he was struggling with something. You left and quickly came back with some flowers. There was a light blush on your face as you nervously gave them to him. You told him that you knew that it might not be in his taste, but that you wanted to welcome him to the party.

A creek on the floorboard, roused Vincent form his thoughts. You sat on the bed and pulled your knees up to your chest. Vincent felt a twinge in his chest as your trembling form. He glanced around the room for something that could distract you, but everything was the same horror. Taking a deep breath, he walked over to you until he was right in front of you. Sensing his presence, you looked up with some curiosity. The longer you looked at him, Vincent swore more of your fear disappeared.

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