A Beautiful Swordsman [Cloud/Reader]

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When you stood up everything cracked. It started at your ankles, somehow your shins, your knees, and hips. Of course, you couldn't forget about the discs in your back popping. You rolled your eyes and moved forward, everything still clicking. At least nothing was dislocated this time.

"He's here again!" you heard one of the honeybees whisper to another woman. You cringed, knowing it was Palmer. He had a habit of wanting to run around with a net to try and catch a honeybee. Luckily, all of the women had some training in self-defense and could easily outrun that creep.

"Oh! [Y/N]!" One of the ladies turned around when she heard you and shot you a soft smile. "Andrea wanted to see you!"

You frowned. "Is everything okay?"

"I think so, he didn't really say."

Sighing, you thanked the honeybee and walked off towards the back of the stage where Andrea typically kept rehearsing for different shows. Despite his flawless performances, he continued to push himself to perform bigger and riskier shows.

"Andrea?" you called out and noticed the man was stretching his legs.

He glanced over and smirked. "[Y/N], darling! There you are! How are you feeling?"


"Is your shoulder doing better?"

"Yeah, I popped it back in. It's not a big deal," you shrugged it off. There was some inflammation, but it'd be gone tomorrow. It was a minor dislocation, after all.

Andrea sighed and shook his head. "Well, come now. I want you to come to the colosseum with me. I heard that there are a cute rookie mercenary and a beautiful young lady entering the fight."

He walked past you and led you down the winding roads of Wall Market. It took you a while to get used to how many alleyways there were and which paths to take. Knowing which streets were dangerous also took a while. Luckily, people were almost everywhere but the alleyways that you had to squeeze into. It was really only those alleyways that were too terribly dangerous.

"Wait, is that?" a man questioned as he gawked at both you and Andrea. "Hey!" he shouted after you. "Why don't you split your legs for me?"

You glanced at Andrea who ignored the man. Taking his lead, you also brushed off the crude catcaller. The people of Wall Market knew you as the very flexible dancer that could be in almost any position. Of course, if any of the other dancers tried to move the way you did, they'd end up severely injured.

Your hand rubbed into the knotting muscle of your opposing shoulder. You did sometimes end up injured with how hypermobile your joints were. And the more you hyperextended everything, the more everything hurt. But it made you one of the most requested dancers by both men and women that you had a waitlist almost as long as Andrea's. And being the most requested dancers amounted to having a lot of money.

"So are you more interested in him or her?" you questioned and glanced at Andrea who chuckled lightly.

"It all depends, darling," he mused. "Perhaps both." You let out an undignified snort. Though, if anyone could court two people at the same time, Andrea could do it. But it was still rare that he ever took interest in someone, perhaps once every couple of years. Two people at once was a shock.

Once the two of you entered the colosseum, you skipped the lines and went into the reserved box for the trio. A few other bees were already there and pampered Andrea with attention once he took his seat. You stood behind Andrea's chair and zoned out. These fights weren't your favorite. Andrea knew that. But he also knew that if he didn't take you here, you'd most likely further aggravate your injury at the Inn.

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