Together [Rufus/Reader]

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He didn't want to burden you with his feelings. The odds that he was going to die soon was exceedingly high. Telling you that he loved you would be selfish on his part. So he kept silent. Though, he never did stop looking after you, even when the pain was so great, he had to get around in a wheelchair.

Just as he was about to maneuver out of his room, he heard your voice. You were speaking with who he assumed to be Tseng. The tone was hushed and just above a whisper.

"Did you find a cure?" you asked with desperation.

Tseng was silent for a moment. "No, I'm sorry."

A muffled sob sounded. Rufus finally decided he heard enough and wheeled into the room. You glanced over and quickly turned away from him. Your hands shot up to your eyes as you furiously rubbed them.

"What's going on?" Rufus questioned, leaving no room for either of you to argue out not answering him.

"I've just returned from the latest search, sir," Tseng replied. "We've narrowed down the location of Jenova's remaining cells. The rest of the Turks and I will be leaving soon. Unfortunately, we haven't come close to coming up with a cure."

Rufus nodded and glanced towards where you were still facing away from him. Though, your hands left your eyes. They were still covering your mouth. Your shoulders were visibly shaking. Small sniffs sounded from your direction.

"[Y/N], what's wrong?" You remained silent and shook your head. Rufus narrowed his eyes as he tried to examine your body for any indication that you were sick. Though, most of your body was covered with your clothes. He inhaled sharply. "Are you sick?" You shook your head again. "Then, why are you crying?"

Tseng glanced between the two of you before leaving the room quietly. The pair of you sat there in silence while you tried to gather your words. Every time you tried to say something, the knot in your throat became more and more painful.

Rufus took a deep breath before he pushed himself from his wheelchair. He inwardly winced at the amount of pain that was screaming at him. His legs shook and he questioned whether or not he'd be able to walk the short distance to you.

Hearing his slow footsteps, you turned around in shock. Tears were freely falling from your eyes, but your sobs were silenced. Quickly, you met up with him and tried to usher him to sit back down. Though his body was incredibly weak, he stood like an unwavering wall.

"Tell me why you're crying," Rufus spoke again, though his voice was quieter and his breathing was coming out in shaky gasps.

Instead of trying to push him back, your hands rested on his white jacket. You looked away from his eyes and rested your vision on your hands that clutched desperately onto him. "I don't want to lose you," you whispered. If you spoke any louder, you'd burst into another fit of sobs. "I hate that you're sick. I hate seeing you in pain. I wish there was something I could do to help you."

Rufus wrapped his arms around you and brought you closer to his chest. "You are helping me by just being here." He winced as a flare-up started. He felt his knees buckle.

Looking up, you moved your arms to support him. The pair of you moved back towards his wheelchair. You guided him down so he was sitting. His eyes were shut tight. His jaw was clenched. His breaths came out in short, quick ones. If he breathed any deeper it would only increase the pain that was plaguing him.

Just as you were going to run and grab his medication, his hand gripped onto your wrist. You glanced back over your shoulder. His eyes were staring at yours with a desperate plea for you to stay. Nodding, you knelt down in front of him and held onto his hands, allowing him to squeeze onto you when the pain got worse.

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