Triage [Rufus/Reader]

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Quick Note: Based more on the events in the original Final Fantasy VII game and NOT Remake!


Right when you clicked the button to clock out, the doors burst open. A man was covered in blood. Some of it looked like it was his own, but most of it looked like the guard dog in his arms. Your hands shot over towards the phone.

"Triage: code red. Gurney needed!" you exclaimed over the intercom and slammed the phone back down.

You ran through the doors separating you from the front desk and the rest of the lobby. You were about to try and take the guard dog away from the man when the vet techs burst through rolling a table. The dog was placed on the gurney and quickly rolled back towards treatment.

"Sir, let me get some information from you," you stated and leaned over the counter to grab a clipboard. "We'll go to room 2 to wait." You quickly led him away from the lobby that had large puddles of blood.

You opened the door to an examination room and had him sit on the bench. He silently took the clipboard and pen from you. With one glance, you noticed he was indeed bleeding. Large lacerations covered different parts of his body.

"Shit. I'll be right back with a first-aid kit," you shouted as you ran out of the room. You nearly slammed into the door leading behind the front desk. Quickly, you opened a cabinet and grabbed the first-aid kit. You sprinted back, avoiding the puddles of blood.

"I'm sorry for the wait," you gasped out and placed the first-aid kit on the examination table. You quickly washed your hands at the sink and then slipped on a pair of surgical gloves. "My name is [Y/N], I'm certified in first-aid. It looks like you have several lacerations, can I treat you until you can get better care?"

The man was silent as stared down at the form. There were some bits and pieces of information, but his hand was shaking. He couldn't make anything he was writing to appear legible.

"Sir?" you asked softly and approached. "I can fill that out for you. But first, you need to get your wounds treated." There was more silence. Slowly, you approached him and knelt down so you could look up into his eyes. "Sir, can you hear me?" Your mind was racing, thinking that he could possibly be in shock.

"Yes," he stated in a soft tone. "I can hear you."

"Okay, can I treat you?"

"Fill out the form first."


"You do not have my consent until that form is filled out and given to whoever needs it."

You hesitated, but nodded and grabbed the pen. "Okay. What is your name?"

"Rufus Shinra."

You blinked and looked away from the form and back at the man. He did look like the president. But no one has really seen Rufus for a few years while he was away on a business trip. Shaking your head, you continued to collect information on him and his guard dog.

"Dark Nation," he stated when you asked for the name. Though, his voice broke ever so slightly when he gave more information on him.

"What happened to him?" you asked just above a whisper, not wanting to further upset the man that was struggling to keep it together.

"A fight ensued between us and an individual from the terrorist group, Avalanche."

"My god," you whispered. "Alright, the form is filled out. I'll just take your signature to consent to treat and our critical care with CPR." You handed him the form which he quickly signed. "I'm going to run this back and then I'll be back to patch you up, okay?" He didn't respond, just looked down at his hands that were covered in Dark Nation's blood. "Do you want me to grab you some water or tea or something?" He shook his head.

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