Who Do You Like? Part 2 [Reno X Reader]

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"Morning, Reno," you hummed and plopped a greasy breakfast sandwich and a remedy on his desk.

"Why aren't you hungover?" Reno groaned. Though his head was still in his arms, one of his hands snaked free and started to unwrap the aluminum foil from the sandwich.

"Didn't drink," you said and watched him. Curious if he even remembered what he said the night before, you waited for a moment or two. He didn't say another word. "Guess it was just a lie," you whispered to yourself and moved towards your own desk.

"Didja say something?" Reno moved his head from his arms and took a bite from his sandwich.

"Nothing important," you muttered. You felt a lump build up in your throat, but you swallowed it down and turned on your computer to look over any reports for prospective Soldier candidates.

"Hey, did we have a fight last night or something?" Reno asked once he swallowed a bit of food.

You glanced over towards him and took a deep breath to try and calm yourself. "Not really. I got annoyed with you, but I wouldn't call it a fight. I was madder at the fact that the waiter wasn't re-filling my soda. You remembering something?"

"I feel like I need to tell you something, maybe apologize?"

"You were drunk. I'm sure you didn't mean anything, so it's not a big deal. Alright?" The lump was starting to make its way back up, making it difficult to talk especially if you didn't want to cry. You didn't want to cry.

"Mean anything? What the hell did I say?"

You shook your head and typed in your password, refocusing your attention to your actual work. You heard Reno's chair roll backward. There was a thud of it hitting the wall. You rolled your eyes, assuming he was running off to go throw up.

"Did I hurt your feelings?" His hands gripped your shoulders and spun you around to face him.

You blinked. "No, you didn't hurt my feelings."

"Then why do you look like you're about to cry?" Reno moved a hand from your shoulder towards your cheek. "What did I do?"

You shook your head and closed your eyes to block your view of him. "I was upset and you were trying to make me feel better. That's all, okay? You were just saying stuff to make me feel better."

"Better about what?" You pursed your lips together into a thin line and refused to speak. "Talk to me, [Y/N]."

There was that lingering question in your head. It was one that Reno would often ask, but really never answered himself. You told him you didn't like anyone because you thought yourself as unlovable. But then he went and said that he liked you. He was drunk. He didn't mean it.

"Do you actually think it's possible for someone to like me?" you asked and slowly opened your eyes to look at the Turk.

Reno leaned back and stared at you with confusion. He was quiet for a moment or two, processing just what you were saying.

"'Course I do. And I don't think so, I know so." He ran a hand through his already messy hair. "This is what I was supposed to say, huh? I do like you, [Y/N]. And I'm actually sober this time, so you can believe me." He leaned forward, so his face was just mere centimeters away from yours. "And don't fight me on this!"

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