Chapter 1- Vandalising The Bad Boy's Car

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Dedicated to FREDJIMMYJEORGE for always supporting me and for being an amazing friend.


"Sweet Mother of Jesus"

Those were the four words that escaped from Jane's mouth who sat across the table from me, her sparkling blue eyes widening as they skimmed through the front page of the newspaper.

"The infamous Charlie's Angels caught on tape" she slowly read out loud.

My brain stuttered for a moment as I registered her words. Every part of me goes on pause while my thoughts catch up. Then, I spat out the soda I was drinking.

Beside her, Amber shot me a glare before ripping the newspaper out of Jane's hands.

"I swear if its one of those lame pranks of yours- " she began to say but halted when her face stuck in an incredulous expression.

"Holy guacamole! She's not lying" Amber said slowly as if she couldn't believe herself. Yeah, Jane not lying was that much of a shocker.

I placed my soda can down and hastily grabbed the newspaper from Amber's hands, poring over it.

Sure enough, Jane's exact words were imprinted in big bold letters on the front page as the banner headline.


My gaze shifted to picture centered in the midst of the minuscle compact characters, scrutinizing it.

It was a zoomed grainy picture of us from last night at our last target's residence. Thankfully, It was night-time and the image came out rather gloomy and blurred but if you squinted your eyes, ignoring the blurriness and rather focused on the colors of the figures, you could distinguish a tress of platinum blonde hair peeking out of the beanie of one of the three masked figures dressed in black.

I slammed the newspaper back on the table and shot Jane a nasty glare. If glares could kill, she would be six feet under.

"Jane" I began to say slowly, "Do you have any idea how that beach head of yours could get us deep trouble?" I asked in exasperation.

"I thought we made it clear to tie your hair up before we left" Amber added.

"In my defense, know that unnatural bends in your hair and the way your elastic is tied around your hair can cause breakage" she defended, crossing her arms across her chest.

I pinched the bridge of my nose in exasperation "What's the use of hair on your head if its empty inside!"

Jane drilled an accusing finger at me "Did you just call me stupid?"

I snorted loudly "Calling you stupid is an insult to stupid people"

Jane opened her mouth to protest but closed it afterwards. She placed her hand on her chest and looked at me with hurtful eyes, "That was very offensive" she said feigning to be hurt.

"Alright. Get a grip you two!" Amber snapped, making both of us sit back down.

"Whatever happened, happened. Its of no use crying over spilt milk now. We need to focus on what lies ahead instead. Don't you think?" Amber carefully explained.

"And Jane" she added "Next time you let that hair down, I'll personally turn you into Voldemort"

I sighed, realizing whatever she said was right and glanced at Jane who was still sulking in the corner.

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