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— 36. A Sign From God

     The following morning, Cathy sat upon her horse near Lizbeth's and Margaret's, ready for the hunt

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The following morning, Cathy sat upon her horse near Lizbeth's and Margaret's, ready for the hunt.  She looked down, sighing when she saw that George had been forced to carry everyone's arrows.

"Why does Henry wear his crown?" Maggie asked as she walked with her husband Sir Richard, "It is a hunt, not a state occasion."

"Perhaps he thinks he's riding into battle," Lord Stanley remarked as he rode past the duo, "Did King Arthur not wear his crown at Bosworth?"

"Yes, he did. Before you killed Thomas and Henry killed Arthur," George muttered under his breath as he heard the conversation.

Henry turned his head, clearly hearing George's comment. "Carry my weapons," He ordered and George turned to look at him with an annoyed expression. However, he still did what he was told.

He locked eyes with Henry, but the moment the latter rode away, George picked up the man's weapons.

George turned his head as he walked, his eyes locking on Lizbeth, who rode her horse close behind Henry's instead of beside him. Was that done on purpose? Did Henry not think of him and his wife as equals as Edward did of Nora?

George shook his head slightly, snapping himself out of his thoughts. He just couldn't seem to wrap his mind around the fact that his own sister was able to love such a cruel man who killed their brother and whose mother was responsible for the deaths of the rest of their siblings.

Lizbeth suddenly turned her head and the moment she did so, George looked away. She grasped her bow in her left hand before riding away with the rest of the people on horseback.

Later on, the people attending the royal hunt rode through the woods, the hounds running ahead of them to find targets.

Soon enough, they came to a stop once Henry did so. Henry looked around, Lizbeth's horse coming to a stop next to his.

On foot, George stopped as well, carrying the dozens of arrows and Henry's bows. He also carried the stick that would be used to look through the bushes.

"This copse is where we'll take our sport," Henry announced to the court in a calm tone before looking down at George, "Give me my long-bow."

George didn't obey at first. Instead, he looked up at Henry, wearing a kind expression. "You do not have to do this, Henry. I am not your enemy. I never have been," He told Henry, who ignored him as he held out his hand.

George sighed, handing the Tudor man his bow.

"Use that stick," Henry insisted, gesturing toward the stick George held in his left hand, "And beat the bushes."

George nodded and turned his head, watching as his cousin Maggie rode up to Cathy, whose eyes were fixed on her husband.

He turned away, walking toward the bushes. He began to beat them, giving room for Henry and Margaret to shoot their prey.

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