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I grabbed my sleeve to swipe at the trickling blood, it only worked for a little while.

Shrugging off my shirt and wrapping it around my head helped stem the flow. I need to get out of here before someone from the blockade finds me. 

Suddenly my world tilts, the adrenaline must have worn off and I crumple to the ground. 

Darkness greets my vision again and I feel nothing.

Pain comes to me through the veil of the void. I feel pricks on the end of my fingers and toes.

Groaning I come to, its still dark outside as I open my eyes focusing on the ground. I must have been out only for a few moments, a concussion?  I struggle to my feet, a gangly gait making quick work of a couple meters before there is a dip in the ground. I stumble and fall on my butt. Jesus, I can't seem to catch a break.

I make a go at getting up but as soon as I do, the moon decides this is time to light up the scene before me. There is a perfectly smooth round groove that I am standing in and in the middle there is a hoovering  box.

Its about the size of a cat and pitch black, so dark it even absorbs the moonlight that shines on it. I stare stupified.

"You" a voice whispered from somewhere."what!"I call out looking around bewildered.

"Closer"  the voice says. For a second my baser instincts tell me to run, fear coursing through my veins at full speed again. My mind suddenly fogs up. "Here"
It says. I shuffle forward, reaching out my hand, mind lulled by the command.

The box feels cool to the touch it starts liquifying, swirling around my fingers and up my arm. As the last of the solid state of the box dissipates, sharp liquid fire penetrates my fingers. I look down to see the black substance burrowing into my skin.

"Aaaaaaahhhh Noooooo, Aaaaargggghh!!!!" I scream writhing in pain as I can only watch and do nothing. The pain travels down my body lighting up every nerve along the way.

When the pain got to my spine, the sensation turned into liquid ice all the way up to my brain. I had no senses, at this point. No up or down, no smell, no sight, just a sack of flesh just existing.

Hmmm, this is probably what kind of existence a jellyfish must experience. In my mind, I shuffle though some different types of memories at an accelerated pace. I tasted, smelled, touched, and felt everything I have ever experienced in my life, it was nauseating. The shuffling slows and a memory comes into focus.

My dad is crying . I have never seen him cry before. I feel scared, apprehensive, and I don't know what to do. " Dad?" I am surprised at how squeaky my voice sounds, so small, and so frightened. He looks at me from the kitchen, he sighs and huffs out a large breath. "Yes, erzi" I try to urgently came forward. I know my dad probably won't like it, for me to hug him but I know I must. I didn't in the past I had ran away but not now that I am reliving it. As I hug him, feel his warmth and his unique scent envelope me.

The memory suddenly is torn from me before my eyes and my dad disintegrates from my embrace. My mind is endlessly reshuffled, memories jumbled together in a mismatch of time and order.

It stops suddenly, everything goes silent. Darkness yet again. Damn, its annoying when all you want is to just see the light.

"Hello, Miles" a deep inhuman voice grates out. I'm angry at how everything has played out today." Fuck you" I say furiously to whatever it is talking.

It pauses for what it seems like a long time. Then I see empty space, stars zipping by, galaxies getting closer and then farther. Sounds roar and echo in my ears. Intense heat sears my flesh, then a sudden jolt from the ground beneath me.

Its showing me its long journey to earth, well it can shove it up its non existent ass cuz I am not giving it any sympathy. The intense feeling of loneliness hits me like a ton of bricks suffocating me. The emotion leaves as quickly as it comes. Anger came next along with pain. I see an image in grainy grey tones, white lights blazing from the square blobs, muffled shouting and more square blobs coming.

Something sharp is ricocheting off of me. My eyes pop open, bright light floods my retinas.I see but its like its not me in control. Its more of a second person perspective,  experiencing everything as it happens but with none of the control.  People in some odd uniform I had never seen, military people, and some cops surround me. " Get down on your knees!I said GET DOWN NOW!" I see my arm extending forward, fingers splayed wide.

Funny, I didn't feel the weight of my arm or the thought for the action. Black liquid squirts out of my fingertips, as it drips to the ground it vaporizes into thin black smoke. " Stop what you're doing, this is your last warning. Get down on the ground!!!"

As shots start ringing out, the black liquid starts gushing forth faster. The vapor surrounding us gets thicker.

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