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Not only am I ecstatic to be home, I am glad that tomorrow is my day off. All the projects I have been putting off I can spend all day working on them.

I quickly look into my refrigerator and decide on reheating some leftovers. When I hear a hard knock on the door.

Hmm, who could it be at this time in the evening? I wait for a long time, hoping that the person knocking would either go away or announce who they are.


I shrug my shoulders. Oh, well maybe try tomorrow. My mouth waters at the prospect of a warm meal.

Crack!!!! My body freezes with cold food in my hands. A sound of wood continually splintering echoes in the apartment.

Fear courses in my veins as I hear the thud of the door crash onto the floor.

Nooo!! It can't be, I had done everything to make sure he didn't find me. I choke on my silent sob as I stand there.

I feel a warm breath tickle the nape of my neck, goosebumps erupt all over my body.

" Allie, did you think you could escape from me? You are mine" said a familiar cold voice.

I whip around as fast as I can. Throwing my cold plate of food hard against his disgustingly smug face.

It shatters on the side of his head, food flying everywhere. He staggers with the remnants of my meal.

This gives me a couple seconds to move past him to the door that he had demolished.

My heart thumps erratically in my chest. I laugh silently as I run past the living room. I feel victorious seeing my escape so close.

A body collides from behind me as I run in mid stride, crushing me into the floor. I wasn't fast enough.

He laid sprawled against my back, pulling my hair toward him." Always did like this position"

My face streams continuous tears. Time is at a stand still and my brain reels with each horrible possibility of what he might do to me.

The adrenaline starts up again in my body. " GET OFF, YOU ASSHOLE!" I buck him off my body with all the force that I could muster.

My fists automatically go to his face connecting a few choice blows. He bleeds from his nose and is stunned for a second.

Enraged to realized that his once docile wife no longer exists he screams " You Bitch!" before pummeling me in the face hard.

I feel my cheek bone crack underneath his fists, my eye didn't fair any better either I could feel it wanting to swell.

He tears at my clothes as I try to fight back.

In the scuffle he shakes me back and forth ripping my top. My breasts catching his attention and I see this for the opportunity it is.

I ram my knee into his manhood or what is going to be left of it, hard.

He crumples laying on the floor beet red with agony and rage cupping his scrambled gonads.

I stumble out the door the best way I can. My eye is swelling shut and I am dribbling blood down my front from a busted lip.

My neighbor is closest and she might be home. I run up the stairs and bang on her door with my fists.

" Please, help me!" I cry desperately over and over again. The adrenaline is fading fast, my pleas weakening and my eyesight blurring from the loss of energy.

She opens the door with a blue tooth headset on. Her eyes go wide as she looks at me "what the fuuuuck?"

She pulls me into her apartment closing the door behind us and bolting it shut.

" We need to call the cops" she says running to her room. I can hear people explode in conversation on her headset. I follow her slowly to her room. She had the phone on speaker phone talking fast to the operator when I got there.

" Ok what I need you to do is to hide somewhere and lock the door" the operator instructed but my neighbor comes up from riffling under her bed with a can of pepper spray and a long metal baseball bat.

She turns to me, handing me the pepper spray "hey, no offense but I don't think you can fight anymore with the condition your in, let me help" I nod relieved for an ally.

She shoves me suddenly into the bathroom with the phone when she hears the doorhandle jingle.
" lock the door" she instructs me but I am stunned at her decision to stay outside in the bedroom "Nnoo, please stay with me until they come".

" They might not be able to come in time" she says laying down her headset and grabbing the bat. I slowly close the door watching as she hides inside a standing closet.

I turn the phone speaker off whispering to the operator "he's coming".

Hey there how do you like the story so far? Let me know. I like to puts some cliffhangers on some spots since our protagonist is not omnipotent and just an observant person. Happy reading!

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