Author note: Intermission

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Ok so I had planned for the story to be kind of short.

But as it turns out, its quickly becoming a mini novel.

There is a lot I want to add to the story so that it becomes an alternate reality that is realistic yet scifi ish.

Well, I have decided to make it into a long full length novel type story.

Story development so far, Summary :

Allie has a rough childhood filled with loneliness which she remembers once in a while in her dreams.

Her prince in shining armor turns into a horrible leecher. They had been together since late adolescence and he helped her realize her true dream of having a loving family to be a part of.

She spends years next to her abuser trying to make it work between them amidst an global upheaval and to foster the safety of her children.

In the end when the glue of their marriage leaves, aka the kids, for college. She realizes that there is nothing to save at least for her and the years of planning her escape is so tantalizingly close to fruition.

He on the other hand begs to differ from his point of view. He was the one sacrificing himself for the good of the family, he taught his wife how to treat him like the master of the household, and his children are successful.

He goes to her house to " beg" her to take him back. But sees her quite happy without him when he follows her around. He feels like he had been doped all those years and decides to angrily demand her submission back into his life.

Its only right, right......?

(He's wrong, oh so wrong)

On the other side of things. A comet from the far reaches of space comes to earth to investigate.

The smart autonomous Nano AI akl-6734 has come to study the life signatures he had received many light years away.

His masters in the Atssk Empire had hoped that he would find a fresh work force for their space faring kind. The politics of being conquerors to simpler alien civilizations has its perks.

Akl-6734 calculated that it would be better to present himself as one of the dominant organisms on the planet for ease of ruling. He must subdue the intelligent alien species.  He finds the least aggressive out of the available candidates. Miles is at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Poor Miles, he is thrust into a world of politics, war, and the dark secrets of human kind. All while just going along for the ride as the passenger in his own body. But that is another story for another time.

10 years of preparing and saving the humble planet from further irreparable damage. 6734 has given the humans enough time to comfortably associate with odd occurrences on their planet and to accept their fate with their conquerors.

And that my friends is were we have left off.

The arrival of the Atssk.

They had traveled from somewhere in the farthest reach of space. Akl- 6734 has discovered a promising alien species to exploit.

Do you guys like my summary explainations at the junction of events, so that the story makes more sense to you? Let me know

Stay safe out there😉

Part 2 is starting up!!

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