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The light slowly dims as the sun starts its descent. The lake reflects the deep orange glow of the evening sun. A man in a perfectly pressed business suit makes his way to the podium.
" Hello and good evening for all those who are in attendence. Today we are proud to add a new states man who will help usher a new future."

We all look expectantly around waiting for someone to come up to the podium. The man turns to the lake facing it. My eyes flint past the man and toward the lake. I squint seeing only a faint black shadow in the distance. It was a speck in the horizon.

A grand entrance for a new statesman, I thought. The shadow steadily comes closer and closer as the time went by. The crowd around me craned their necks trying to get a better look.

It was a singular man walking on the lake surface. A predatory gait was unmistakable, his power was felt even from a distance. A platform formed every time he took a step. I recognized him my eyes growing wide, the man from the mist.

He flashed the light from the dimming sun with his black iridescent suit as he got nearer. The man at the podium bowed deeply whispering reverently
" Minister". His grey face stoic, he waved the suited man away. He leaped from the waters shore to the stage. Gently landing in front of the podium.

The suit showed off his musculature, only revealing the grey flesh from both hands and his male décolletage. He was even more beautiful up close, a grey and black statue from antiquity come to life. He looked out at the crowd before beginning " Hello , citizens of Totec. It is a glorious occasion for all of you to witness" his deep timber resounded into our very bones, a deathly silence greeted his words.

A person from the crowd screams "what the fuck are you and who made you our leader , ehh!!??" His eyes narrow focusing on a man who separates himself from the crowd by waving his arms in a menacing manner. What a dumbass he might get himself killed, I mused.

Everyone seemingly holds their breath collectively together. Some people had a look of fear and others of defiance as I look around at the scene progressing in front of us. He smirks gently, but the smirk slowly transforms into a open mouth laugh. Sharp jagged front teeth are exposed, his back molars replaced with one large serrated bone.

People gasp and some scream terrified. He opens his mouth wider transforming the laughter into a roar " GET HIM!". Soldiers immediately cut through the crowd surrounding the man.
" you can't do this I am a citizen with rights, I tell you!! Let go, I will sue you all!!" As they drag him up to the stage. We all watch powerless to stop what is happening. The dissenter is forced into a kneeling position his hands bound by the soldiers with zip ties.

" I am 6734, your new Minister. I have the full support of your government and of all allies associated with you. I hope that we can peacefully collaborate." He said gently with some underlying menace. " Bullshit!!! You lie!!We will kick your ass! Go back to wherever your from!! Asshole!!" The kneeling man foamed angrily his response.

6734 nodded his head to the suited man from before. He bowed deeply before waving in a military man with all his finery decorated on his uniform and another with a suit that looked quite expensive, maybe designer made. " Commander, please" 6734 coo' ed gesturing toward the microphones. The commander saluted before taking the podium.

" Hello, today we welcome our first earth Minister and recognize the new Alliance with the Empire of the Atssk" the commander said while taking off his sunglasses revealing black veins around his eyes. For a moment his entire eye was a black orb but as he blinked his eyes returned to normal.

The cameras in the front swiveled from person to person, following the conversation on stage. I had forgotten we were broadcasting locally and possibly nationally. Internationally they must be shoving their heads to their asses to kiss it goodbye right about now if they got this news. Geez, I'm pretty sure any citizen would do that right about now.

6734 looked directly at the front news camera " A new era of prosperity is on the horizon. It is too late for a global pact amongst yourselves" he licked his lips with a long black tongue.
" you are all already infected" he said with finality as he walks over to the dissenter. A swarm of fine dark sand concentrates on his palm and he blows it into the man's face without a second thought.

We watch as the sand hits the man's face which twisted in utter pain after a couple of minutes, he convulsed violently before his body stopped. His chest stopped rising and a young boy started wailing loudly. We were all quietly holding our fear. The soldiers came to cut off his zip ties and to position his body.

After an agonizing eternity his chest started rising again and the man got up turning his attention to 6734. He bowed groveling
" forgive me, Minister". Terrified I squish my children to my body while my husband holds my shoulder.

There was a new world order alright, one where we are more tightly watched than ever before or since.

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