C: 4

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The partial came on a Thursday. I know because I asked one of the nurses that morning. The days in the hospital just run together and fast.

Sometimes I would sleep and bam its two days later. It also doesn't help that I am on some major pain killers. They said it will help in the recovery process for me since the pills are triple action, sort of.

I didn't hear the partial come in because I was taking a nap. I woke up to a tv watching partial, it seemed kind of comical considering that the partial is a type of sophisticated machine thingy watching another machine.

" Oh, your awake. I am sorry about my unannounced presence. I have the completed report and the criminal court proceeding.... Would you like to go through it now with me or would you prefer to look it over on your own time?"

I look closely at his face as I see his eyes pulse back and forth between normal human eyes and the eyes of the machine he shares his body with. I take a second to consider " I would like to go through the reports with you"

He smiles " turn to page 56 of the packet, it starts with the events leading up to the attack" as he hands me a thick packet, its more like a lengthy college textbook.

He explains as I am looking at the page that he had been in his words ' executing necessary bodily processes'. I quickly read the paragraph he must have been referencing and concluded that the nanos are a bunch of straight laced nut jobs. I wouldn't have trusted them if they weren't though.

The Nanos refused to give him permission to pee on a bush because of the public urination and public safety against communicable disease clause. He had to find a bathroom 3 miles away at a trucker gas station. In addition for every violation he (human part) committed, it was reported with great detail and then the action was said to be under review at least in the paperwork I have my hands on.

I mean this is the civilian report I can't imagine the internal department report. Furthermore I tried not to laugh when the report detailed that he was as it was so delicately put
' evacuating a secondary process' when he finished the first thing soon after.

The partial  made it clear that he was my surveillance at the time. As I continued to read, it said nothing suspicious came up on the rounds that were completed.

'' I got the call from 911 and was directly connected. I heard everything''

I looked up at him surprised at the admission. Studying his  solemn face for an answer, I watched his mouth turn down severely.

" Its not your fault" I shrug.

Regardless of the what if ? The past has already come and gone. Yes, I didn't know this was my future beforehand but what's not to say that my ex would have been undeterred and came back another time repeating what had happened to me. Only the divine power above knows if my future would have been any different or even stopped.

I lean back on my pillow and close my eyes, ignoring the melancholy eyes of this young man.

" Thank you for your time....I'll finish reading the rest" as I reopen my eyes.

He gets up from the chair riffling in his shirt pocket. "This is my personal business card" setting it on top of the report. He turns to leave but hesitates for a moment. He swivels his head my direction " you don't need to go to court as a witness, the evidence is sufficient for prosecution"

I look down at the report listening for the hospital door to click shut before watching big droplets start raining and rolling off the paper.

The pitter patter sound of my tears was the only thing that my ears could focus on for a long while.

Loud music blasted from the TV startling me out of the spiraling sadness that was engulfing my psyche.

I watch the tv with blurry eyes, unsure what exactly was going on.

Some people were riding large mechanical versions of endangered land species on the street, the guardians is what we call them. The crowd absorbing the spectacle chattering excitedly.

They act just like the real things they represent and look pretty darn close too. I hadn't realized they had even existed until there was some news cycles a couple years ago of people being found gruesomely mauled. News reporters were all over the story investigating for months.

Unfortunately, it was later discovered that all the people who had been attacked were illegally trapping, selling and killing protected species.

A guardian in particular tried to dissuade the group of hunters but was enraged when it found out that they had injured a trapped pregnant doe under its protection.

It killed them all.

I hadn't seen any mention of them since then, people must have smarten up about how the laws are enforced now.

Anyways there is a large parade of them and I haven't a clue why there is such a celebration. I blink away the last of my tears.

There isn't any particular holiday that I can think of that falls in the beginning of summer.

The music once again blares so obnoxiously loud as the parade stops. The show jumps to the face of our Minister who smirks handsomely into the camera.

I swear he could be the alien man version of a Helen of troy. I can hear the screams of the mostly female and some male voices in the background.

" I gather you together on this joyous day, it has been exactly 10 years in the making......."

I kind of tuned him out for a while, admiring his sculptural perfection. His sharp black teeth glistened menacingly as he spoke, I have heard in gossip reports that it hasn't stopped some women and men from throwing themselves at him throughout the years. All failed in even inspiring a response from him, he had refused them all outright without hesitation.

His lips purse together. The crowd is dead silent.

I silently anticipate the rest of his speech, promising myself to pay more attention to the message he was trying to convey. Shit what was he saying again?

" My fellow citizens with this as the conclusion of my speech. I would like for you to welcome our Sovereign masters The Empire of Atssk. I must remind you that your service aboard any ship will be appropriately rewarded.... That is all"

Yup, the Atssk have made their entrance after 10 years of earth being under the watchful eye of Akl-6734. Why didn't Allie pay more attention to the speech than to the man😏?

Hopefully she gets rest of the information that she might need, right.........

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