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I reported my suspicions to the police partials. They had me fill out a form, give a statement, verify the person I believe is stalking me and consent to  surveillance. Which I said yes to, I still remember the old days when women were killed by their past or present significant others. Nowadays it is rare for that to happen but nevertheless it does happen.

I trust the partials much more than the retained all human police force which has been steadily been shrinking over the years. At first any and all government personnel were required to become partials because of the civil unrest.

At the time that our dearest earth minister announced himself to the world. The world turned around just to plunge itself into a mass civil war soon after. He took control of various swaths of military personnel who would capture and 'infect' rebels.

It took two years for the rebels to realize that once the 'infected' adult fighters were gone that 6734 would not hesitate to turn their family members or lovers into partials. Since then it has been an uneasy peace between us and 6734.

He lets us go on with daily life as normal and hasn't forced us to assimilate to any alien culture or beliefs.

Letting the national and local governments respectively govern over the common folk.

The global branch of Government is mostly supervised under him and a few duplicates in the upper echelon of power.

There are now three classes of integrated human hosts. First at the top are the duplicates who, you guessed it are fully functioning duplicates of the original but in another host's body. Like the original they have a thin layered suit that lets them morph and have different abilities.

The partials are the ones that do everything from being senators to police men. Essentially the ones who have some power over day to day citizen activities. They don't really have any fancy powers that I have seen. Though the particles can govern decision making, interaction, and record everyday incidents. The level of nanoparticles are much less in these individuals.

The way to differentiate between them from duplicates is easy, they don't have the grey or dark purple skin and abnormally gorgeous looks.

The last are the lowest class, the quarters. They are usually petty criminals or people who need monitoring for whatever reason. Very unpleasant, I have seen quarters flailing in pain while out in public for such actions like stealing. Their appearance is really no different from any other fellow human.

Society has pretty much returned to a new state of normal existence.

I open the envelope and took out a long fancy embroidered sheet of faux paper. I skim over the papers content to get to the information I want.

Divorce certificate:

Please keep this for your records.

This verifies the dissolved union between the two parties:

Allie Alveraz and,

Ernesto Montez

I didn't read the rest of the decree. A big smile cracked on my face. I danced a little when my loud annoying alarm went off announcing that I need to get ready for work.

Groaning I power walked to my room to find the off button of the alarm.  My room is a chaotic mess, I haven't had any time to clean the place up in a while. I search everywhere for my alarm but it kept ringing.

In a last ditch effort I moved my mattress to find my alarm singing and vibrating up against the wall. There you are! You little devil!

I put away my divorce decree in the top closet shelf. I can search for it later when I get home. I always forget my stuff in the upper shelves of my abode. I really can't help it, I'm short. Any thing above my head is out of sight out of mind.

So I hustle to get ready for work. Can't be late! My workplace is a little strict on how late you can be before they tally you as no call no show.

Before I leave I make sure my scrubs aren't on backward And that I got my hospital badge.

I hastily run to get my car started. Then run back to get some sweet bread quickly to satiate my morning hunger.

Shit, I forgot I was going to work the same shift with my ' friend' double air quotes. Geesh, I hate that man. Not for the usual things you may hate about your co-workers like laziness or whatever.

But because I swear to god if another girl comes up to me telling me she thinks I am a threat to her budding relation ship with him, I will literally scream until she is deaf.

No, Jenny I don't want your man. You along with all the other girls can make a line for him. He just strings along girls for his own entertainment.

I just watch the show, eternally grateful that I am no longer as young, naive or hopeful about love with the opposite sex. I have had enough for a lifetime.

I absent mindly drive to work. Spend 8 hours enduring my co- worker and his visiting clueless groupies while cataloguing specimen samples and other equally important stuff.

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