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A man, a very butt naked man at that was just on tv. What is happening out there? I feel my hands start sweating profusely as I watch the news crew keep transmitting on the megatron.

" Sorry, Brian we need to leave the camera behind it's slowing us down too much. There is dark mist that is quickly coming. I saw it dissolving peoples clothes, cars, everything!" She panted.

" Is there any casualties that you have seen Katie?" the anchor man pushed for more information. " I don't know , it was too hard to see if there was any bodies on the ground. heard mortar shells going off..... Gun fire.... Some people screaming... Tanks firing....... I don't know ..... Its chaos..... A couple of female military personnel i heard were regrouping at another location.."

We hear the camera man say "we need to get going now we can call them later, MOVE!!"

We see the image moving downward as the camera is being put down on the ground, the camera man's lower body is shown in the shot as he hastily positions the camera toward the road in the direction that they had been running away from.

The anchorman quietly says" we will keep the camera rolling as long as we can, audio mic transmission has confirmed that our Katie and camera man Joel are in the process of running to safety"

The camera is looking out at an empty street before at a distance a grayish haze begins to cover the ground. The haze slowly starts thickening as it advances, making the day darken into an artificial night with no stars and a foreboding silence. We hear a soft clicking sound like sand being pelted against a glass surface. The stadium is quiet, we are all silent, dreading what is coming next.

A group of men emerge from the dark curtain of mist stark naked and panting linked together with their arms. They look around and bolt passing the camera. The man in the front center yells "Roll call!" and we hear them say " Frank...Jim...Carl.....Jose...Joe
...Milton.........." Slowly their voices sounded farther and farther away.  Only the mist gently rolling closer and closer to the camera was being broadcast.

The anchor man was halfway opening his mouth, beginning to speak when he stopped making any noise. His mouth hanging agape, his eyes wide and I couldn't understand why he had stopped talking. I looked from him to the smaller panel showing the live coverage.

A figure was gently wafting away from the mist. I had almost missed it, his dark pant suit almost camouflaged against the dark swirling mass behind it. The mist looked to be  a couple of feet away from the camera now. As the man started to separate himself from the mist and toward the street.

I was struck by how tall he was, his outline well built and lean. It was hard to make out his face the natural daylight was being swallowed by the mist. He takes a couple more steps, the camera sharpening his image as he gets closer. He is not wearing a shirt, showing off a muscular upper body with perfectly formed muscles over seemingly flawless taut skin. I hear a person frantically coughing and wheezing while the room murmured gently.

He then just stands in the middle of the road as if waiting for something. Silence once again permeates into our souls as we watch him.

In the corner of the frame we start seeing legs huddled together. We murmur again in unison.  The speakers gently crescendo a female voice.

" Identify yourself!!!....if you come with us we promise to be at your disposal. Its a nice deal right? just don't fight us, k"

He does nothing and gently cocks his beautiful neck to the side slightly. The group of legs soon turn to torsos and then to heads.

It looks like a group of about 7 women have come to talk to the stranger. Each had a stick sharpened at the end, about as long as half of their body. Even with such poor lighting we could tell that they must be clothed with nothing but their bras and panties.

The group cautiously scampered forward, one of them flashing a light straight into the man's face, the camera refocused.

The light revealed an equally beautiful face. His lips bow shaped and full, a regal nose, and a sculptural bone structure. His monolid eyes a seductive almond shape now squinted into a narrow slit to avoid being totally blinded.

The woman holding the light fumbles and drops it. The clacking sound deafeningly loud against the void of sound.

"Holy shit" she says " he's fucking grey". The stadium erupts into furious low volume discussions. Grey? As far as i knew people don't come in that hue. I take a look at the screen his outline, face , and bipedalism confirming he is just a regular ol'...... Walking adonis.

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