Chapter 13

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Alpha/Percy POV

It was the day of the quest and I was a wreck. Pax told me it would be okay, but it was hard to travel with six people who wanted me dead. I had packed extra ambrosia and nectar and bandages. I took an extra dagger. I was prepared.

Was I?

I was the last one to arrive at the Big House. Everyone was waiting impatiently.

"Come one, Percy." Annabeth groaned.

I snorted. "It's Perseus to you."


We assembled into a line. I held hands with Pax and Piper. Pax gave me a reassuring squeeze.

"Wait!" a voice cried.

It was Will. He rushed to Nico with a package in his hand.

"Neeks this is your shadow-travel medicine." Will said. "You need to take it as soon as you get there."

Nico nodded and Will hugged him. Will kissed him on the forehead and ran off.

We all laughed at Nico's blush.

"Come on let's get moving." Nico retorted.

And so we melted into darkness.

We came back to the physical world in front of a grey house.

"This is where I leave you." Nico declared. "Good luck Percy and Pax."

He shadow-traveled away.

Pax shivered. I took off my cloak and gave it to her.

"Thanks." she mumbled.

It was obviously hard for her to come home. Her mother mentions Luke over and over again. The freakish fits were enough to drive anyone else insane.

We knocked on the door and a white-haired woman opened it.

"Luke!!!" Ms. Castellan screamed as she hugged Pax.

Pax struggled. "Hey...Mom."

Ms. Castellan turned towards me. "Luke!!!"

I hugged her.

"Come inside, dear. I have your lunch ready." Ms. Castellan ushered us in.

Piles and piles of sandwich containers were on the kitchen counter. Most of them had mold. I swore I saw a mouse die in the corner after eating one.

"Here is your lunch, Luke!" Ms. Castellan gave Pax and me one container each with a moldy sandwich inside.

Pax sighed. "Mom, it's Pax."

"I'm so glad you're home, Luke." Ms. Castellan smiled.

"It's Pax, your daughter."

"Luke, you've grown a lot since the last time I saw you!"

"For the last time MY NAME IS PAX!"

Everyone stopped chatting. Even Ms. Castellan looked surprised and examined Pax carefully.

Pax sniffed and rushed out the door.

"Pax, wait!" I shouted.

Pax stopped and looked at me. "This is why I should have never come back."

"Pax," I began, "this is for the quest. You have to try."

She nodded and steadied herself. We walked into the house together.

Ms. Castellan was busy trying to shove cookies and milk into Frank's mouth. Frank was yelling that he was lactose intolerant.

Ms. Castellan turned to Pax.



"Promise you'll be careful Luke." Ms. Castellan whispered.

Pax smiled sadly. "I'm on a quest, mom. I'll try."

Ms. Castellan said "Be at peace, Luke. Be at peace."

Pax brightened a little bit. "Thanks...Mom."

"Here is Mrs. Medusa." Ms. Castellan smiled and handed Pax the Beanie. "Take care of it and I will always be with you, Luke."

Pax took the beanie and almost cried.

Ms. Castellan's eyes turned green and her voice deepened. Pax ... backyard ... fate... Tartarus... only way.

Ms. Castellan collapsed and Frank dragged her to the sofa.

"Where to now, Castellan." Annabeth sneered.

"Her mom mentioned the backyard." Hazel said. "I sense an opening."

Jason rushed over to Pax.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

Pax shook her head.

Jason sighed. "I've seen my mom reduced to insanity as well. We're on this quest together. We're here for each other as well."

Pax nodded and showed everyone the backyard. She put the beanie into her backpack.

To our surprise there was a cavern.

"A passage to the underworld." I said. "I sense my father."

Hazel nodded. "This must be our ride."

A/N Sorry I didn't put enough action in this chapter. This was supposed to be a sad chapter giving a glimpse into Pax's life. Onward into the underworld!

- Sapphy

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