Chapter 14

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Pax/Beta POV

I walk with Mrs. Medusa in my hands for a while. This is the only thing my mother gave me. I do not know what to do with it.

I put it back in my bag and continue walking. Everyone but Percy stays away from me. They don't know me well and I have released a "criminal". If only they knew.

We continue walking for an hour or so. Percy walks with me the whole way and cheers me up.

"We'll get through this. We always have." He smiles.

I am happy I met Percy. These past three months have been the best of my life. I thought I would be the one supporting him, but it turns out that Percy is helping me up from a dark point in my life.

Annabeth begins glaring at me and Percy together. Could she still like Percy? But isn't she dating that nymph dude? She can't be angry at me, right? All I did was save her innocent ex-boyfriend from eternal torture. She would do the same, right?

Jason shares my struggles. He, too, has watched his mother fade to insanity. Piper is comforting him. Perhaps the scene with my mother brought back bad memories. I never want anyone to suffer because of me. This is going to be a long trip.

Hazel is in the front leading the way through this cave system. It should lead us to the Underworld and then to Tartarus, but one wrong passage might lead to instant death. Frank blocks me and Percy from getting too close.

Leo is fidgeting with a handful of screws and other parts. That boy will run into a wall if he doesn't focus on his surroundings.

None of us talk. 

Suddenly, we arrive to an opening and see the the Underworld horizon.

"This is it." Jason says. "This is our stop. We don't want to go too deep."

We all nod and walk into Elysium.

Many ghosts scowl at us. Only three dare to approach us.

I do not recognize them, but most of the seven gasp.

"Hello," said a brown-eyed girl with her hair in a braid. "it is nice to see thee again. For those of ye who do not know me, my name is Zoë Nightshade."

A messy haired blond stepped forward. "And I'm Lee Fletcher. Nice to meet you."

A tall and burly man stepped forward. "And I am Cato Lucius, former praetor of the Twelfth Legion, member of the Second Cohort."

Everyone stood in awe. I suppose these were famous heroes. I know Lee from camp, and I am glad he reached Elysium.

"Cato." Jason breathed. This must be the guy he replaced.

"We come to tell thee the truth." Zoë begins. "Unfortunately we can not telleth thee who committed the crime, but we shalt tell you who is innocent."

Cato declares. "There is a traitor at Camp Half-Blood who killed the satyrs and nymphs. He aided Gaea during the Giant War." 

Everyone starts to turn to Percy.

"However," Lee grins, "he is not a member of this quest."

Everyone else except Percy is shocked.

"Then tell us who did kill!" Frank shouts.

Lee sighs. "We can not say. We are bound by oath."

"That is stupid." Piper admits. "How can we trust you?"

Zoë sighs. "If thou can't trust those who sacrificed themselves for thee, then who shall thou trust?"

Everyone suddenly begins to be interested in their shoes.

The three ghosts disappear and two take their place. Both were extremely tall and barely looked human. One had silvery wisps of hair while the other was completely red.

"I'm glad my granddaughter knocked some sense into you." The silver-haired man chuckles.

"BOB! DAMASEN!" Percy squeals. "What are you doing in Elysium?"

Damasen smiles. "We broke the cycle. In helping you and your girlfriend, we helped good. We let go of our monster past. We are no longer monsters. We died, and one day we will live again."

Annabeth is on the verge of tears.

"Bob? Damasen? I..." She tries to speak.

They ignore her and talk to Percy.

"When you enter Tartarus" thunder boomed "go directly into your home. Do not contact anyone in the outside world. With luck, the enemy will reveal themselves." Bob says.

Percy nods. He shivers. I suppose he never thought he would see his bone mansion again.

Thunder booms again.

Damasen looks worried. "We can not stay here longer. We already said too much. Go into Tartarus, young hero. Make your own Fate."

"Say hello to the stars for me, Percy." Bob smiles.

They disappear. Percy takes out his sword, Moira, and raises it up to the sky.

"For you Damasen and Bob!" He proclaims. "I wasn't too sure if I was in the right place, but I will honor you. I will honor my fallen friends. I will honor those who fell before be. I will fight even if those around me will not fight for me. I will make my own Fate! My name is Percy Jackson, and I will make my own Fate!"

A/N Tonight, go outside and look at the stars. Greet the stars for Bob.

I do not really have much time, but I will update as soon as I can.

I hope y'all like this chapter! 

Bob says hello

- Sapphy

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