Chapter 16

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Pax/Beta POV

Everyone stares at me like I'm crazy.

Annabeth squints at me. "How do you know?"

"Isn't it obvious?" I shrug. "We go to Connecticut. We find an entrance to the underworld. Bob and Damasen tell us to go to Tartarus and stay in Percy's house. The enemy is the pit itself. What other being could be the 'darkness' from the prophecy? Honestly what kind of daughter of Athena are you, blonde?"

Everyone slowly backed away. Even Percy scooches over to the far end of the couch. I have just damaged Ms. Chase's pride. Now I'm gonna get it.

"You...insolent...daughter...of...that...good-for-nothing...messenger...god!" she screams between breaths.

"Annabeth be quiet! You'll attract monsters!" Piper yells over her.

"But Annabeth," Percy begins with a smirk, "didn't Hermes send bubble wrap for your homemade cast in Rome and send us food when we were in the pit?"

Thank the fates Percy intervened! But Annabeth turns to glare at him. She quickly stands up and leans over to slap him. My reflexes kick in and I move my leg and trip her. She fell flat on her face.

"Annabeth, are you okay?" Says the ever so kind Hazel.

I lean over to Percy and we high five.

Annabeth stands up, brushes off her pants and walks out.

"Now, let's discuss the prophecy, shall we?" I smile.

"The seven shall rise with a newfound friend

On a journey to the place that offends

Where, at last, the truth shall be uncovered.

Without the sea the world shall be smothered.

The lost sister shall finally return.

The true enemy remains to be learned.

The Dark shall come and put up a great fight.

Others round him quiver at his great might." Jason recites.

"The place that offends is obviously the pit." Hazel states.

Leo snorts. "Thanks, Captain Obvious."

"I like this guy." I whisper to Percy.

Percy smiles sadly. "Who doesn't?"

"The truth about Percy was uncovered." Frank points out.

Piper frowns. "But the true enemy remains to be learned. We know thanks to the ghosts that there is a traitor at one of the camps. Is the true enemy the traitor or the pit?"

Everyone becomes silent.

"The Dark shall come and put up a great fight." Percy shivers.

I grab his arm. He has been through more terrors than everyone in this room combined.

Everyone looks at Percy expectantly.

"The Dark can mean many things." He explains. "Erebus, primordial of darkness. Nyx, primordial of night. Any evil monster, really. There's too much to choose from."

A heartbeat, rumbles in the distance. Growls shake the walls of the Bone Manor (A/N Yess that is what I'm calling it now).

Frank's face blanched in a manner of seconds. "I think it is a safe bet that Tartarus is who we're facing now."

I nod. "Perhaps you're right. Everything is a cycle, right? Two Titan Wars. Two Giant Wars. Now Gaea is gone for good, but she had other siblings. If everything is just a cycle, a new evil takes its place."

We all sigh. A demigod's life is never easy.

Percy stands up. "Everyone pack your things. I have some supplies in the kitchen cabinets. I'll go hunting for some fresh meat. What do you prefer: drakon or Stymphalian birds?"

Everyone looks at him blankly.

"I dunno, maybe some Stymphalian birds?" I start, casually. "Roasted over Everfire and marinated in Phlegethon Sauce?"

He grins. "You got it, boss."

He struts out of the house with only Moira at his back.

Everyone stays silent for a moment. After a few moments they begin talking. Knowing that I am not a part of their conversation, I walk into the library.

"Take care! Update Chiron on our positions!" Annabeth says as she cuts off the Iris message.

A/N Sorry for the short update! This is just a filler chapter with mostly information on the demigod's thoughts on the prophecy. Hope you guys did like it!

Queen of cliffhangers,


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