Chapter 9

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"No he can't be," Evan said looking at Ethan and I. Eva and Emma started to cry. Emma started to fall to her knees and Jason grabbed onto her, holding her tightly. Charlie and Mila all started to cry and wrapped their arms around Emma, them all holding onto each other.

Sophie and Jaz walked towards me but I held my bloody arms out.

"D-don't," I said. They stopped in their tracks. Jules, Lilac, and Addy were all trying to wake my Mom up all of them crying as well. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I needed to escape, but I felt like I had nowhere to go.

Whenever I was a little girl and upset the first place I would run was to my Dad, knowing I would feel safe in his arms. I looked around and everyone was looking at me. I looked at Ethan and he was holding Sophie trying to hold it together.

I looked at my bloody arms and I needed to get clean. I ran out of the packhouse and went behind the house my father had built with his two hands and ran right to the river. I started to clean the blood off my arms frantically scrubbing, no matter what I did I couldn't feel clean.

I curled myself into a ball and let everything out. I cried for what felt like hours, but had merely been minutes and finally, I just stopped. I stared up at the moon and I wondered why the moon goddess would do this.

Why would she take away the person meant to be with my Mother forever, why would she take a father away from his five children? Why do my parents get only 20 years when most mates have 60. I just wish that I could breathe, I felt like I was drowning.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I didn't have to move to know it was Liam. He pulled me into his arms and I started to sob. He held me tight knowing I didn't need to hear that he was sorry.

"He is gone," I said into his chest.

"I know, and they will pay," Liam promised, kissing my forehead. And pay they will, I decided before standing up and heading to the library.

My Mom had always been fond of books, and legends of the moon goddess were her favorite to collect. My Mom said that she had once met the moon goddess and she was a powerful witch.

I had set on denial that my Dad was actually dead and decided that I would look for a way to bring him back no matter what the consequences. When I walked into our house it was quiet. My Mom and Aunts were all sitting in the kitchen and my Mom looked miserable. I saw all of my friends and siblings sitting in the living room crying. The Men were in the kitchen discussing quietly and Ethan and Liam joined them.

"Come with me," I said to everyone in the living room and they all followed me to the library.

"What are we doing?" Emma asked, tears in her eyes as she leaned on Jason for support.

"It doesn't make sense," I said pacing around the room.

"Erin, are you feeling alright?" Jaz said looking at me worried.

"Why would the Moon Goddess allow Dad to die, and why didn't he fight back," I said. Everyone looked around and finally Evan spoke up.

"That does sound off," Evan said, shocking everyone.

"We need to look around, there has to be a way we can speak to the Moon Goddess, she has come before," I said and I waited to see who would help.

"We will help you," Charlie said, as her, Mila, and Eva started to look in the books.

"It is worth a shot," Emma said as her Jason and Evan joined them. Jaz gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and started to look and Sophie was the only one left.

"I think we should talk to Ethan about this first," she said looking down.

"Why would we have to do that," I said confused.

"He is the Alpha King now, and I am assuming summoning the Moon Goddess is pretty serious," She said, and I sighed.

"I just need to know why this happened. I understand if you can't do this but we need to," I said. Sophie looked around waiting for anyone to stand with her but no one moved a muscle.

"I am not doing this," she said, giving me a sorrowful look before leaving the room. I stared at the door in shock and I finally started to look with everyone.

It had been 10 minutes when Ethan came storming into the room Sophie behind him. She gave me an apologetic look and he looked at me.

"What do you think you are doing? Dad is dead, nothing is going to bring him back," he said, pulling me up by my arm roughly.

"I get that E, I just want some answers, we aren't hurting anyone by doing this," I said trying to rip my arm from his hard grip. His eyes were completely black and I knew he was more aggressive because of the new title which had just been placed on him.

"You are all done with this," he said fuming.

"What is so bad about this Ethan!" I said.

"That is Alpha King to you," he said in a deep voice and his claws started to dig into my skin causing me to bleed.

"You are hurting her Ethan!" I heard Eva scream she tried ripping him off of me, and he just growled at her.

"Stay back Eva," I said pushing her behind me. Everyone had wide eyes and I motioned for them to get out and they all slowly did one by one. Evan, Jason, and Sophie were the only ones to stay.

"How dare you disrespect me?" He said, his face starting to shift into a wolf.

"I am sorry Alpha King," I said, averting my eyes, knowing better than to challenge him.

"Ethan let her go," Sophie said, tears running down her face. He growled at me even more.

"You made my mate upset!" He said. I could tell he was starting to lose it, and right now my Dad would be the only one to get him to back down.

"She didn't upset me Ethan you need to calm down," Sophie said walking slowly towards him but he just gently pushed her back protecting her from me. He was in full wolf mode and he probably had no idea what he was doing. I was starting to cry, his nails really starting to hurt.

Jazz walked into the room and followed Liam, Uncle Jase, and Uncle Luke. Liam ripped him away from me and I groaned as his nails released. Uncle Luke looked at Sophie who had slid down the wall and was crying.

"What the fuck are you doing dude," Liam said, putting him in a headlock. Jaz came over to me and held onto me as I shakily fell to the ground. Uncle Jase started to talk to Ethan and he calmed down and I could tell he was taking back over. He looked around in shock and he realized what had happened.

"I don't- I don't know why I did that," he said sinking to the wall in shock.

"Girls get out of here," Uncle Jase said. Sophie had broken out of her trance and stood up, she walked over to me and Jaz and helped me stand up.

"I am so sorry, I would have never told him if I knew he would hurt you," Sophie said sobbing to me. I hugged her with my unhurt arm.

"It is okay," I said, and she cried harder.

"No it's not, he is a monster," she said sobbing.

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