Chapter 16

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I looked at Kylie's dead body as she laid across from me on the ground. She didn't look scared or weak, her face was frozen with pure determination. I looked up at Dante and he tried to pick me up by the throat.

I looked at George for help but he was frozen facing all of the horrible things that happen when your mate dies. I looked at Kylie's dead body and I thought of my Dad as well. I angrily put my hands on Dante's arms and he screamed.

He let me go and his arms had two perfect imprints on my hands burned into his skin. He looked at me shocked and he ran off. I looked at my hands in shock but I realized I needed to help George.

"George we have to go," I said, feeling tears come to my face as I looked at Kylie's lifeless body. I shook George and he looked up at me. He had tears in his eyes and he looked like he had just gotten out of a trance.

"She is gone," he said and I let out a sob.

"I know, this is all my fault," I said crying. George looked at Kylie and he went to her body and held her in his arms.

"We need to bring her with us, she deserves a proper burial," He said. He picked her up and handed her to me. I held onto her and hopped onto his back. The hour ride was painful as I held onto Kylie. I cried thinking of George hating me forever because of this.

We finally reached our house and it was now 11pm. George shifted and I laid down Kylie on the ground. George looked at her body and I could see him trying to hold in tears.

"You go, I need to bring her to the morgue," he said, picking up her body, and kissing her on the forehead. I sent out a mass text and I went into the treehouse. I looked at my father who still looked like he was taking a nap. He looked pale, and he was cold but other than that he wasn't decomposing.

Jaz was the first one to show up. She gasped at my disheveled appearance but I just handed her the flower. I looked over and she had a potion ready. She muddled the flower and put it in. The potion turned purple and she sighed in relief.

Sophie turned up next, along with Emma, Charlie, Mila, and Eva. Joe, Jason and Evan were on patrol tonight and couldn't show up. Everyone hugged me and George appeared right behind them. His eyes were bloodshot but Jazz and Mila didn't notice as they hugged their brother.

"What do we do now?" I asked, my voice hoarse from crying.

"I pour the liquid into his mouth and hold onto his hand," Jaz said. Jaz poured a tiny drop into his mouth and then held onto his hand. She waited a few minutes before tears ran straight to her eyes.

"It didn't work," she said.

"What do you mean it didn't work?" Sophie said.

"I was supposed to be able to speak to him," she said mumbling.

"I need to go look at the book again," she said before leaving. Everyone else left to go and help her except for me and George. We sat in silence for a few minutes and tears ran down my face.

"I am so sorry George," I said. He looked at me and he sighed.

"I don't blame you. Kylie and I both wanted to help," George said putting his hand on mine. He pulled away because he had shocked me.

"Sorry," he said. He looked down at my hand and saw that it was bruised.

"Did you fall on it?" he asked me looking at my injured hand.

"I punched Dante," I said and he let out a small smile. George grabbed the first aid kit we had and wrapped it up. As he wrapped it he looked up at me.

"I know I was grieving, but I saw what you did to Dante," he said and my heart stopped.

"I don't even know what I did," I said blushing. George finished wrapping up my hand and he picked up the bowl.

"I think you should try," George said.

"Why would it make a difference?" I asked him.

"It is worth a try," He said. I looked into his Brown eyes and he was giving me an intense stare. I took the bowl and I poured a drop in my father's mouth.

"Grab the other hand," I told George. We each grabbed a hand. I closed my eyes and prayed for it to work. I waited a few minutes and when I opened my eyes I was in a field of white flowers.

I looked around shocked and I saw that George was with me. My hands were glowing white and I looked around and saw my father wearing a white shirt and jeans. I felt tears run to my eyes and I ran to him and jumped into his arms.I started to cry as he held me and kissed my forehead.

"I am so happy to see you," I said crying into his chest.

"I am happy to see you too," he said, putting me down.

"George, I brought someone for you too," he said as Kylie walked from behind a tree. She was in a white dress and a flower crown and she looked beautiful. She ran to George and she hugged him.

"We don't have much time munchkin," My father said to me.

"What happened?" I said frowning while looking at him.

"The Moon Goddess visited me in a dream. She said that during the invasion it would be me or you who would die. She needed it to be me," He said brushing my hair out of my face.

"But why?" I said tears running down my face.

"Don't you see baby girl. You have powers, magic," he said moving my hand, showing my glowing palms.

"Magic isn't real," I said looking down shocked.

"It used to be, and the Moon Goddess chose you to bring it back," My father said looking at me proudly.

"Why me?" I said confused.

"She chose you before you were even born. She needed someone strong, someone who could take loses and pain and channel it into something to learn from. You are the first witch she decided to put on Earth, and if you succeed then you will find more and more emerging on their 18th birthday," my father said.

"There is nothing about how to channel powers, and what do I have to succeed?" I asked him, trying to understand.

"There will be a battle with the vampires, you need to convince your brother to not eliminate all vampires, but find a way to coexist. You will face a grave loss, but you need to accept that it had to happen in order to make you stronger. There are books all over which will give you the answers you are looking for," My father said.

"Okay, I will try my best," I said, giving him a hug. I looked at George and Kylie hugging each other and I looked up at my father.

"Is there a way to get you both back," I asked him, and his face fell and a tear ran down his cheek. This was the first time I ever saw my Dad cry.

"I am afraid not. Tell your Mother to look for me in the river, and that we will be reunited once again. I love you and all of your siblings so much. I will be watching over you, and know that what is on the other side is amazing," he said wiping my cheek.

"I love you," I said to My Father, trying to remember each one of his features.

"I love you to the Moon and back," he said. He looked at Kylie and George and sighed.

"She will be okay, the Moon Goddess tells me she has a whole live ready for Kylie here," My father said smiling at me.

We walked over to Kylie and George and they gave each other one final kiss.

"Good luck," My father said before I found myself gasping for air as I woke up from the vision. 

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