Chapter 14

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When Liam got home he went straight to his office and we didn't talk at all. I couldn't help but feel distant towards Liam. The next few days Liam and I barely spoke and George and I spent an hour a day looking for the orchid.

It was morning and Liam was still asleep so I decided to make him breakfast. I cooked eggs, bacon and pancakes and I set the table. I could hear him getting ready and when he emerged from our room I smiled at him.

"I made us breakfast," I said, showing him all of the food. He looked sad at it and he kissed my forehead.

"Thank you, but I have a meeting I have to go to," he said before walking out the door. I sat down sadly at the table and I picked at my food.

A few minutes later the door opened and I stood up expecting it to have been Liam apologizing and coming to eat with me, but instead it was George.

"Hi George," I said sadly.

"Well don't sound so excited to see me," He said, stealing a piece of bacon off my plate. I handed him the plate for Liam and he started to eat.

"Liam has been ignoring me the past few days," I said frowning and George gave me a sympathetic look.

"He will come around Erin, he just isn't used to being around someone," he said putting his hand on mine.

"I know, it is just hard. I had expected to find my mate, fall in love and have a huge family. It just doesn't feel like that," I said frustrated at the situation.

"I know. Kylie is now 26 and we have been trying to have a baby since we became mates 2 years ago and we haven't been able to," George said sadly.

"I am so sorry George," I said, giving him a hug.

"It has really put a strain on our relationship and all we do is fight," he said, sounding frustrated.

"You know what. No more moping. We are going on a hike," I said standing up putting the dishes in the sink. We went out to the forest and started to walk.

"I feel like we are going to find it in the most obvious place," I said stepping over a log while George held my hand.

"We probably keep walking just past it," George said laughing. We decided to take a few different turns and we ended up at a small creek. It had a waterfall running into it and it was absolutely stunning. It was a sunny day out and relatively warm.

"No more moping right?" George asked me. I looked at him confused and he picked me up and jumped into the creek. I laughed as we free fell and landed in the water. The water was surprisingly warm and I swam to the surface and felt the sun hitting my face.

"Lets go to the waterfall," I said laughing as I swam to the waterfall. I swam under it and there was a ledge to sit on. I sat on the ledge and George joined me, us both looking through the waterfall.

As we were examining the beauty of the waterfall George heard something. I pulled me into his chest and held me against the rock. I went to speak and he held his hand over my mouth.

Our hearts pounded together and I tried to relax into his arms. We sat like this for a moment until he released me. I pulled away slowly and looked at him still frightened.

"What happened?" I said to him.

"We need to go," He simply said, he tried to pull away but I pulled him back.

"No. Tell me what happened," I said, causing George to sigh.

"There were vampires, they were looking for something. I don't want us to be seen by them," he said, and I felt my heart drop.

"Okay, lets go," I said and as we were about to leave the cave something white caught my eye. It was a flower which was skinny and almost looked like a bug. I picked it up and let out alittle squeal.

"The ghost orchid!" George said, giving me a hug out of excitement. We left the waterfall and swam to shore trying to keep the flower intact. We started the walk back to the pack house George being on alert for any suspicious sounds. We reached the cottage finally and Liam was pacing with a horrible look on his face.

"Where have you been," he said and I flinched at his tone.

"We went for a walk," I said, which made him notice George. He picked up George by the collar and slammed him against a tree causing it to crack.

"What do you think you are doing George?" He said his eyes were completely black. George looked pissed but was trying to submit.

"Erin was sad so I wanted to cheer her up," George said, bowing his head.

"That is not your place. You will not speak to her ever again," Liam said and I ran over grabbing his arm.

"Don't be ridiculous. You are my Mate, and George has a mate," I said to him. Liam turned around and growled at me. I took a step back before running into the house slamming the door behind me.

I couldn't believe how Liam was acting. I looked at the ghost orchid and put it down before calling Jazz, she picked up right away.

"I found it," I said and she gasped.

"You need to get it here ASAP," Jaz said and I could hear her shuffling through papers.

"Liam is pissed at me, there is no way I am getting out of here," I said sighing.

"If we don't use the flower within 24 hours of being picked it will die and be useless," Jazz said.

"I will find a way," I said before handing up and throwing my phone at the wall as Liam walked in.

"I will not take your constant disrespect Erin," Liam said slamming the door behind him.

"I am not disrespecting you. You have just been ignoring me so I needed a friend," I said getting equally as pissed.

"There are plenty of women in the pack, go hang out with one of them," Liam said, causing me to scoff.

"George and I have been close since I was born. You can't just tell me not to be friends with him anymore," I said crossing my arms.

"I am your mate and your Alpha so yes I can do that," he said, smirking at me.

"You are forgetting that I am an Alpha's daughter. You and I are equals so no you can't boss me around," I said crossing my arms glaring at him. Liam took a deep breath and sighed.

"I am sorry. I just got jealous when I saw both of you soaking wet together," Liam said, pulling me into a hug.

"I am sorry too," I said leaning up to kiss him.

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