Chapter 40: Memory

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"Mommy, mommy, look!" A little child around 4 years old came running with her drawing towards the woman's direction.

"Mommy, look. I drew this! This is you and this is me and this is daddy," she said. Her pale skin is still there, as well as her white hair and eyes, but the random black lines on her skin is gone.

"Mommy, hey. Talk to me, mommy," she said as she pushes the woman's shoulder gently. The woman is just quietly sitting on the chair, staring at nothing.

The woman looks very different from before, she became so skinny and her hair is so messy. Where's the man from before?


"WHAT!?" The woman yelled.

"P-please look--"

"I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT CREEPY DRAWING!" She screamed then she took the child's drawing and ripped it off. Then she grabbed her shoulders, "WHAT DID I TELL YOU? I TOLD YOU TO JUST STAY IN YOUR ROOM AND NEVER GO OUT, BUT WHAT DID YOU DO? YOU FCKIN DEMON!" She yelled.

"M-mommy, i-it hurts--"

"YOU. ARE. NOT. MY. CHILD!!!" She screamed then she dragged her upstairs so I followed them.

"Stop it," I whispered.

Then they entered a storage room and I watched them. The woman threw her inside, in an old dusty cabinet and locked her there.

"M-mommy! Mommy! Get me out of here, please. I promise I'll stay in my room. Mommy!" The child cried.

"YOU ARE NEVER GETTING OUT OF THERE UNTIL YOU LEARN YOUR LESSON!" the woman yelled then she went outside angrily.

What kind of mother is she?

I tried unlocking the cabinet but I can't, "I'm sorry I can't help you," I whispered as I sat down in front of the cabinet.

"Who are you?" the child asked.

My eyes widened, "Y-you can hear me?"

"Yes, please get me out of here. I'm scared, it's so dark in here," she cried.

"I-I will, I will. Just hang on," I said then I tried kicking the cabinet door but it did not work, so I looked for something that can unlock the cabinet, and I found a hammer. I started pounding and smashing the lock until it broke. I quickly opened the cabinet and saw her crouching and crying silently.

"I-it's okay, you're safe now," I said then she looked at me.

"T-thank you," she cried.

"Come with me, let's get out of here," I said and I offered my hand to her, but she didn't take it.

"I love my family," she said.

"But she's hurting you," I said.

"That's how she shows her love to me," she smiled while her tears flow down her cheeks.

Love? Huh! That's sick!

Then I heard the door opened loudly and saw a man looking at us angrily.


"Lucy told me what happened," he said. Lucy? Who's Lucy? Is that the woman's name?

"I-I'm sorry, dadd--"

"HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT YOUR MOM!?" He said then he lifted her and smashed her to the ground.

"STOP!" I screamed but he didn't hear me.


Then he punched her in the face and she spit blood.

"Stop it," I whispered as I felt my tears fell down. I'm so tired of crying and seeing things like this.

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