Chapter 6 - Tom Nook

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'Wendel's Premium Ocean Cuisine' was the definition of fine dining, and the prices were far too steep for my wallet

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'Wendel's Premium Ocean Cuisine' was the definition of fine dining, and the prices were far too steep for my wallet. But we were celebrating, and what better way to celebrate than at one of the most fanciest restaurants in the entire city. The environment felt warm and comfortable, even in the cold, dark abyss of the bustling city, and the interior was a magnificent sight. Paintings of all different patterns and colours were hung up all over the walls, each one unique and divergent. There was one that looked like a stop sign, and one that looked like a tree, but the thing that all the paintings had in common was the signature in the bottom right corner that read 'Wendel'. I've never felt more out of place sitting in such an elegant establishment.

But I suppose I better get used to it if I'm going to make it big in the city. Observing the art on the walls reminded me of Sable, and her passion for creating new designs.

I never thought that I could do so much in one day. One second I'm coming off of a bus to go to the most important business meeting of my career, and the next, Im celebrating at a five star restaurant with a friend whom I haven't seen in over a decade.

Redd was sitting at a table, in the middle of the room, talking with gracie, while Lyle and I both sat at the bar. Looking back at Redd, I noticed that he looked a bit dizzy, and overly excited. I pulled one of my suitcases up onto my lap and opened it. Inside, were my clothes, some toiletries and the three rubies that Mr. Resetti had given me back in Animal Village.

"What's that? Looks pricey." asked Lyle as he gazed into the suitcase.

"Rubies." I said handing him one to look at. "They're from my home town."

"You could get quite a bit of money for these. Big bells. I'm talking big." he said as he handed the Ruby back.

"That's the plan."

"Well, good luck with that." he said.

Gracie walked up to the bar and sat down beside me. "Hey darlings," she said.

Lyle put his drink to his mouth and looked a little shifty as he scanned the restaurant.

I took a swig of some fizzy peach drink, and gave Gracie a smile. She didn't really strike me as the type of person Redd would have courted. Time's have changed and I suppose tastes do as well.

I looked back to see Redd, but he was not there. "Where's Redd gone to?" I asked.

"He didn't feel too well, so he went to the restroom. He'll be back soon."

She stopped and caught a glimpse of the ruby that was in my hand. "What is that beauty you have there?" she asked, watching it sparkle.

"Oh," I said holding up the Ruby. "Merchandise. It's up for sale. You interested?"

"No," she answered still looking at the glistening stone. "It sure is pretty though."

I put the rubies back into my suitcase, and placed it on the ground. "I'll go check on Redd and make sure he's okay," I said walking towards the restroom doors. "I think I have some business of my own to attend to anyway."

She laughed as she took my seat and began chatting with Lyle who was still scanning the room.

I chuckled, then slowly opened the door that lead to the washrooms. Inside was a sink and two stalls. The place was surprisingly clean for a washroom. I knocked on the first stall. "Redd!" I called. "Are you alright?" I could hear him throwing up and heaving into the toilet bowl on the other side.

He took deep breathes before speaking. "Ya, everything is fine. Just peachy. I'll be out in a--" He let the toilet have it again, " I think it was the caviar."

"Well, I think it was too much of that fancy fizzy pop." I said with a chuckle. "I'll be waiting for you outside, so we can head out."

I walked out of the bathroom and back to the bar. Gracie was gone, and Lyle was sitting alone. I took my suitcase and we tipped our waiter.

Just then, Redd came out of the washroom, looking sick and dizzy. "Well, we can go now," he said. "Where's Gracie?"

"Had to leave. Something about an early morning. Took a cab." Said Lyle in his usual shifty tone, he was wiping his shirt with a napkin and mumbled something about his shirt being brand new.

"Here's some more of those napkins, the fizzy drink should wash out no problem." said the bartender as he handed Lyle a handful so he could continue cleaning his shirt.

Lyle looked at Redd and I, "Just a soda accident. Nothing to see here. Bloke bumped into me with his drink. No biggie."

"Oh, well alright then. Let's head home." I said looking at Redd to make sure he wasn't gonna be sick again. I picked up my suitcases and exited out of the building and into a taxi.

"I've got my own ride! See you two later. Good job today lads." Lyle said as he waved and walked up the road into a valet parking lot.

"Where are we going?" I asked Redd, "What's the address?"

"The apartment on Serene St. the one with the yellow flashy lights." He answered, dozing off.

I informed the driver of our destination, and we were off.

The city seemed like a completely different place at night. Chaotic cluster and motion did not change at all. As a matter of fact, everything seemed to be more active. The lights were bright, and the streets were noisy with countless vehicles. Hoodlums stood in groups on corners, and the sound of police sirens could be heard in the distance. As I watched the hustle and bustle out my window, I wondered "How could someone live in such a place?"

We soon came to the apartment building, and walked in after paying the driver. We entered an elevator and went to the 9th floor, where our apartment was. On the very top of the number pad was a button that read "PENTHOUSE".

"It sure would be great to live up there," I thought as the elevator lifted us up to the 9th floor.

We came to the door of our apartment. Redd unlocked it with his key, and we stepped inside. The place was small, but cozy, with a mismatch of furniture and decorations.

Redd walked into his bedroom and hit the sack right away. I went into, what was supposedly my bedroom, and found a desk with a lamp. I sat by the desk, opened my suitcase, and pulled out some lined paper and a pen. I began writing a letter to Sable, about my first day in the city. It was hard trying to tell her my first impressions of the city and of the new people I had met, but I managed to do it anyways. I looked out the window beside me and searched the sky. There were barely any stars in the sky, but I could faintly make out the "star shirt" constellation. While I wrote the letter, I occasionally stopped to look at the constellation, to remind myself of Sable and Animal Village. Every time I gazed at it, it gave me hope.

Remembering the diamond ring I gave her, I reached into the suitcase to pull out one of the rubies. To my shock, they weren't inside. I emptied the entire suitcase. I'd turned the room upside down creating such a mess, and I came to the horrible realization that the rubies weren't just missing, they'd been stolen. 

----- Author's Note -----

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