Chapter 13 - Sable

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It's been almost four weeks since I've received a letter

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It's been almost four weeks since I've received a letter. The longest I've gone without hearing back from him. I've sent him three letters since receiving his last, I really hope I'm not overbearing. I just miss him so much. We grew up together, we were friends since I was a little hedgehog and he was a little raccoon. This is the longest we've ever been apart. If only I'd known of his feelings for me long before he left.

I admired my diamond ring in the bright christmas lights that dangled around my home.

"Just a few more over this window and I think we're all set with the lights!" said Mabel.

Christmas was an exciting time for everyone, but especially Mabel. She would always get new fashion magazines and baking equipment. She was an avid baker just like our mother. Around this time of year Mabel would bake sugar cookies in the shape of christmas trees and shirts.

I was on my fourth letter to Tom and didn't know how to start it. I was so worried about overwhelming him with so many letters. Maybe he wasn't getting them. I checked in with Pelly a few times prior and she'd assured me that he was receiving them. But maybe there was something wrong with the exchange.

"Hey! Sable, I need a hand with these lights!"

"Oh! Coming Mabel!"

We gently placed them on the house and plugged them in. The house was beautiful. This was going to be a special christmas. I just knew it would be.

"Are you still trying to figure out how to start the letter to Tom?" Mabel asked as she put away the ladder.

"I just want to make sure it's perfect." I said as I put away the stationary and pencils.

"How about 'Hey Tom, come home!'?"

We both laughed. Our breathe was visible in the cold air. Tom and I used to pretend we were fire breathing dragons when we were children during the winter season. The night was so beautiful. The snow was perfect for building a snowman which is exactly what Mabel and I intended on doing once the cookies were out of the oven.

A snowball gently hit my shoulder. I turned to see Mabel making a second snowball, preparing to launch it at me again. I quickly made one and threw it in her direction, but my aim was awful, and it went right over her head. We flung the snowballs back and forth until the timer went off and it was time to pull the sugar cookies out of the oven. Winter was always a beautiful time of year. Christmas has always been my favourite holiday to celebrate. It saddens me that Tom won't be around.

We decorated the cookies, the trees we always decorated with green icing. The shirt shaped cookies we decorated with every colour we could find, each one unique and perfectly designed.

When it was midnight we exchanged gifts. Mabel excitedly opened the one I got her. It was a doll that I sewed together myself. It had taken a lot of work but it was perfect in every way, just for her.

Mabel got me a brand new apron that she ordered from a catalog.

Our stockings were filled with candies and goodies. There were three of them hung on the fireplace. They each had a beautiful stitching with our names on them, courtesy of our mother:

Sable, Label, and Mabel.

Christmas was also a time of year when we would miss our sister. No matter how many Christmas' went by, we could never get used to not having her around.

We listened to Christmas music and talked all night long, sharing plenty of laughs.

"You know," Mabel said looking at the warm fire blazing in the fire place, "I'm sure Tom misses you just as much. He's probably just been busy with the holiday season."

"Oh, of course. Stores are always crazy this time of year. " I gave Mabel an endearing smile, "Don't worry about me, I'm okay."

We both sat silently and peacefully staring at the fire.

When it was time for bed Mabel and I both put our PJ's on and said goodnight. It had been a good Christmas, even though Tom wasn't able to celebrate with us.

I stepped onto the front porch to get a good look at the stars. I could see the Star Shirt constellation, but I couldn't see the Farmer's Market Bargain Bin Constellation.

"Beautiful night, isn't it?" said a voice near by. I turned to the direction it came from. There was a Snowman there, staring back at me.


"Huh?" Someone walked from behind the snowman, "No it's me! Snowmen can't talk!" A reindeer in red clothes walked around the snow man and approached me.

"Jingle! How nice to see you on this beautiful night."

Jingle was a black nosed reindeer who visited Animal Village every year. We always gave him a warm welcome, offering him milk and freshly baked cookies.

"I couldn't help but notice you staring up at the night sky, with a sad look in your eyes." He said as he stood on the porch next to me, also looking up.

"It's such a wonderful night, the night sky is so clear, the stars are so vivid." He said as he leaned against the porch railing.

"A beautiful night." I replied.

"Heartache, is it?"

I glanced over to him, "How could you tell?"

"The glistening eyes tell all. Every year I've visited there seemed to be more people gathered around your fire. Tonight was a quieter night."

"There's just someone I've been missing lately. but it will pass, I'm sure."

Jingle rubbed his chin, "You know, sometimes when we miss someone it's just our heart reminding us that there's a bond that not even distance can break!"

"That's a very sweet thing to say."

After a few moments of standing out on the porch, Jingle made his way back in the direction he came, "It's been a busy night, making the rounds and delivering all those toys. Time to hit the hay." He smiled at me, " Isn't this the best time of the year?"

I waved goodbye and he was gone. I thought about what he said. There indeed was quite a bit of heartache, but it wasn't just from Tom. I suddenly knew exactly how to start the letter:

Dear Label...

----- Author's Note -----

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