Chapter 11 - Sable

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Dear Tom,

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Dear Tom,

I loved hearing back from you. Receiving a letter from you is always the highlight of my day. It has been quite a while since I last sent you a letter and I hope that whatever trials you've been going through, you will always remember that I'll be here supporting you. It has become difficult for me to find the time to write, especially with the busy life I live. The work just keeps piling on, but I suppose that's a good thing. The shop's becoming a good distraction from my heartache. It isn't easy being so far away from you.

I can't believe its only been a month since you left. I often dream about you, and your desire to show kindness towards others, even when others are unkind towards you. That's what I love about you Tom. You've got a heart of gold and I know nothing will change that.

I just want to let you know that I am very proud about what you're doing, regardless of the fact that I seemed to be uncomfortable about it at first. I know that before you left I wanted you to stay, but I now realize that all of this is completely necessary, and I am now confident that good things will come of it. Sincerely and truly, I hope that you make the best of this experience.

Love, Sable

I put the stamp on the envelope and took it straight to the post office. I shared a few pleasantries with Pelly and she complimented the new apron I'd sewn myself. 

The sewing machine  I used to make it was slowly losing its touch, so I suppose it was time to switch to a newer model soon. All of the tools I had at work were also pretty old and breaking down. Work's been my life. I spend my days working and on my off time cleaning and coming up with new designs with the help of Mabel. She's only a young teenager yet she's so bright with all of her ideas for simple dresses and shirts. She's occasionally joked around about how we should start a designer shop in the city. Those are the times when she sounds just like Label. I can still remember the way Label would pin her designs on her bedroom wall. Matching and customizing the clothing and accessories she owned. Such fond memories of our childhood. I remember the fun times I had with Tom as well...

- Flashback -

"Hello Mrs. Able, can Sable come outside to play?" asked a young little Tom Nook.

"Why hello Tom! Yes, hold on just one second. I will go see if she's finished with her chores."

I stepped out of the house and into the summer breeze. Little Tom was standing there patiently. The sun was shining bright today, every leaf had returned, every petal had blossomed and everybody was outside enjoying the summer heat. The smell of freshly cut grass and sizzling barbecues permeated through the air.

"Hey Tom," I said full of excitement.

"Would you like a cookie? My mom just made them... they're fresh from the oven." I smiled as I held out a large warm cookie.

He happily accepted it.

"So what are you up to today?" I asked curiously as bits of cookie flung from my mouth.

"Well," He said reaching into his bag. "I thought that we could go catch us a couple of Monarch Butterflies today, I saw a couple flying around on my way here."

I looked around to see if I could spot any butterflies. "Hmmm.. actually, I've got an even better idea!" I said as I went around the house and into the shed. I came back with a small metal capsule.

"What is that?" little Tom said with a mouth full of cookie.

"It's called a time capsule. We can put stuff in it and bury it for later."

"Like buried treasure?"

"Yeah! I thought maybe we could each write a letter and put it inside the capsule, and then we bury it somewhere secret, where only we can find it. Then, after a couple years, we open it and read it!"

"That sounds cool, but what's the point?"

I fiddled with the capsule trying to get it open, "When we're older we can read the letters and see how much life has changed. We can write down our dreams and what we want in the future, and then see if we got it!"

"Alright! Lets do that!"

We ran into the house and rummaged through the drawers where I kept my art supplies. We took a couple of sheets of paper and some pencils and ran into the woods. We arrived at a spot we would frequent and placed the papers on a big tree stump.

We sat and wrote in silence

After I had scribbled down what I wanted to say, I looked up and saw that little Tom was already finished with his.

I placed the letters inside the time capsule, took a brief glance at both of our dreams, and then closed the capsule with a click. We worked together to dig ourselves a quick hole in the ground with our shovels, and then we dropped the capsule inside.

After a long sigh, Tom raised the shovel in the air and cheered, "To our happy future!"

I smiled. "To our happy future."

We refilled the hole where our dreams were buried under worthless, muddy dirt, to be forever forgotten...

----- Author's Note -----

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