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A young child walked across a feild. All kinds of weapons were impaled into the ground. Swords, spears, arrows, flag poles. Bodies were scattered around, their blood turning the grass red. He looked from body to body, searching for his father, the king. His father ruled a kingdom bordering Gaul, lands now ruled by Camelot.

It seems that his father's armies had failed to keep invaders away. The boy could see smoke rising in the distance. The skies were dark from ash and smoke. The sun was covered like an eclipse. An orange ring was all that lit his surroundings.

The boy finally made it to the top of a hill, where a corpse was decorated with golden armor and a crown. The king lay dead among his knights.

He fell to his knees. His small hand closed his fathers eyes. He didn't weep. He didn't make any noise.

"Oh? Who might you be, boy?"

He looked to the speaker. He was a tall man with long, graying hair. He recognized him. He had seen him with his father once before. A mercenary, if memory served him well.

The boy didn't answer. He only looked at his father's blood that coated his hands. The blood that matched the boys hair. His Golden eyes couldn't leave his father's body.

He felt something cold and wet on his face. The flat side of a recently used sword. The sword was his fathers, now being held by that mercenary. It's blade was pale like the moon and radiated with magic energy. Solis was its name.

"Have you fallen deaf, boy? I asked who you are."

He used Solis to push the princes face towards him, forcing them to make eye contact. Finally, he spoke.

"No one important anymore, I suspect."

The man laughed. A boisterous laugh that almost made the prince forget of this crippling defeat.

"Then why not make use of yourself? You survived the battlefield, why not live to see more?"

The man offered the weapon to the boy prince. Its pale blade seemingly calling out to him. He took it, and held it close to his chest. He was far to young to hold it properly.

The mercenary began to leave. The boy took one final look at the king, then followed closely behind the large man.

"What's your name boy."

"Terran Dean."

"That makes your brother the new king, doesn't it."

"He's probably dead too."

"My names Herald Cross. Seems I'll be taking care of you from now on."


The man smirked and walked faster.

"Come then, young prince. There's always more to see."

Fate/Fallen PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now