5 - The Lions of Dean

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Frieda sat with King Arthur inside a tent at their encampment. They had arrived in Gaul and set up camp to find out what their next move would be.

"He was always like that." She said, "He looked at his older brothers and thought that they were perfect. That there was no way a failure like him could match them."

She was explaining why, in her eyes, Terran had gone into hiding rather than taking back his home.

"He watched those brothers die. He watched his father die. These men, who he saw as perfection, were gone. And someone like him still lived." She said sadly, "I think he stayed away because of guilt."

"He seems rather interested in saving your son." The king said.

"Of course he is." Freida said, "His brothers son, the true heir to Ravenhill. I think, for him, it's being able to correct his own failures. Even if those failures never truly existed."

The king couldn't understand his reasoning. He was born the third in line for the throne. Most men would be ecstatic to take it for themselves. Yet, that prince refuses to take it.

"Thank you for your time." Artbur walked outside and was quickly joined by Merlin.

"There is a new matter to discuss."


Rebels. Lords and ladies who didn't like the Shay's had heard of Camelots arrival. They now sat around in a circle deciding what to do. Side with Camelot, or continue on their own.

"They have reason to hate them as much as we do." One lord said.

Many agreed with him, nodding their heads or giving an 'aye'.

"They might just want our lands! We can't trust them." Another spoke out.

"The Shays murdered the Deans! Either way, they deserve death."

Ashton sat awkwardly at the very edge of the rebel leaders. He wanted to say something, anything. But he wanted them to see Terran for themselves.

"If the Pendragon wants our lands, he can try and take them!" Many cheered at the thought.

"This is really it?" Terran stood behind Adhton, his arms crossed infront ot his chest.

"A noisy bunch, aren't they." Ashton said.


Terran pushed his way through the crowd, towards the center. When he neared the clearing in the middle, a hand was grabbed hold of his shoulder. He stopped and turned to an angry looking lord.

"Remove your hand from me." Terran said.

"You best make yourself scarce, boy." The man said.

"Remove your hand from me, before I remove it from your arm." Terran didn't sound angry nor upset.

Another voice called out to him.

"You, young man, show me your face."

It was an elderly woman that Terran instantly recognized as Lady Harriet. She was part of the royal court when Terran was a boy. She pointed at him before speaking again.

"Those eyes. I know you." She said, "Terran, son of Austrin Dean."

Her eyes were wide as she spoke and the crowd went quiet. The only noise were the quiet whispers and people shuffling to get a look at him. Terran took hold of her hand in both of his.

"Yes." He said, "My name is Terran Dean. Third prince born to Austrin Dean."

He walked forward into the clearing. He looked around at all the lords and ladies, who looked back with shocked expressions.

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