4 - A Brothers Beloved

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"What about the time you jumped from the roof of the stables into a snow bank?" Sir Gerald said.

Terran laughed a moment. Around ten men sat at a table eating breakfast. It had been a few days since Camelot was attacked from within and hardly any repairs needed to be made.

"My older brother won the bet, I had to." He laughed at the memory.

"Kaston was rather wild. Harron too, when they were together." Gerald took a drink.

"And now they both grace heaven with their presence." Terran said.

"They sound like quite the pair." Ashton commented.

Terran smiled fondly. His elder brothers were both glorious in their own ways. Kaston in particular. It wasn't that he was stronger or smarter, just that he was more than both Terran and Harron could be. He was the bright shooting star that was destined to lead Ravenhill into a new age. But that was stolen from him.

"They were." Terran said, "They got into quite a lot of trouble."

"And you used to follow them around like a lost little dog." Gerald laughed.

"It was either that, or letting my sisters play with my hair." Terran sighed.

Their conversation was interrupted when the door opened.

"Sir Terran." Sir Lancelot stood in the doorway, "Your requested in the great hall."

Terran finished his drink before standing up.

"I'll be back soon." He bowed jokingly.

He walked to the door and followed Lancelot down the hallway.

"I should thank you for rescuing Queen Guenivere. Had you not, I fear what would have become of her." Lancelot told him.

"It wasn't anything." Terran shrugged, "A few dead men could never defeat me."

He spoke with pride. What little pride he had, anyway.

"Yes, we all saw it." The bravest knight of Camelot referred to the many bodies left in the lions wake, "Where did you learn such magic? That spear is quite deadly."

"Just an old man I knew." Terran lied, "He isn't around anymore."

"I'm sorry." Lancelot gave his condolences.

"It was just his time."

The two walked in silence until they came upon a the large doors of the great hall. Two servants pushed the doors open to allow them entrance.

Lancelot immediately took his seat at the famed round table. Terran, however, stopped in his tracks upon seeing who was standing before the king. A beautiful woman with blond hair and striking blue eyes. Her eyes were red and puffy. She had been crying. She was Lady Frieda Dean, the woman who married Kaston.

Terran knew his secret was about to be revealed. But he searched for an out anyway.

"My lady I didn't-" Terran was cut off.

"They took him... my boy..." She cried out, "Terran, they found us. They took him..."

She continued to weep.

"Who took him?" He asked.

"They took him..." She mumbled, her shoulders shook with grief.

Terran took hold of her shoulders and looked her in the eye.

"Calm yourself." He said, "Dry your tears and calm yourself."

She did as instructed. She breathed in and out to calm herself down.

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