3 - Tower under the Moon

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The horse's hooves tore into the ground. It's long strides carried it closer and closer to the castle gates. The hooves stopped hitting grass and mud, instead they struck the stone roads of the city. Some buildings were on fire, and people ran every which way. It was chaos.

Terran rode through the city towards the castle. One question ran through his mind. How did so many men enter the city? Camelot was supposedly the perfect castled city. He hadn't spotted any holes in the walls, nor any seige equipment. Which led him to the conclusion that they were already in the city.

He approached the wall that seperated the castle from the city. The gates were open and bodies were strewn across the courtyard on the other side. He nearly kept riding, if it were not for Herald Cross calling out to him.

"Halt, boy." He said.

Terran had barely heard his voice over the sound of hooves on stone. Herald was slumped against the stone wall, bleeding from several places.

"The queen, they took her." He breathed these words.

"Which way?"

Herald pointed out the gate, towards the plains outside of Camelot. He could see the distant flicker of flames. Torches or lanterns. Terran couldn't tell from this distance.

He pulled the reigns on his horse, turning it completely around and galloping off to save the queen. He went back the way he came and turned off the rode when he left the city. He unwrapped his spear, letting the full power of its lightning crackle around him. His horse startled a little, but kept running.

He could see them, the figures who were running away. He was catching them with ease. There looked to be four or maybe five of them. An easy feat for a warrior such as Terran.

He pointed his spear forward, firing a bolt of lightning in their direction. Their horses spooked and threw some of them off, including the queen. Terran leaped off his horse as he got close. He stabbed his spear into the nearest person who layed on the ground. Not a necessarily honorable move, but he was saving someone important.

He blocked an attack with the blade of his spear, then sliced his opponents throat in a quick, clean movement.

"If you care for your lives, drop the queen and flee." He spun his spear and the lightning lit up the area, "I promise I won't chase you down, nor will I hinder you in any way."

The black clad kidnappers looked amongst themselves, as if deciding silently on a plan of action. Stupidly, they chose to charge forth, all at the same time.

Terran twirled his spear, swinging it from left to right with the power of a hurricane. All three men dropped to the ground covered in wounds.

"I did give warning." Terran joked.

He picked up the queen checked her for injuries. She was still breathing, which was good enough for now. He looked back towards Camelot, seeing smoke even from all the way out here.

"Wh-where..." the queen mumbled.

He looked at her and saw her wide eyes and all the fear on her face.

"Worry not, my lady. I'm here to protect you." He said, "Camelot is in a lot of trouble. It may not be safe to remain the-"

He leaned backwards as an arrow flew past his head. He whistled and a horse came galloping towards them.

"We're not safe here either." He helps her onto the horse, "We need to get away."

They take off away from Camelot. Arrows flew past them and it seemed like hundreds of men were chasing them.

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