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It had been over a month since the fall of Ravenhill. Camelot was at peace and so was Terran. For the first time in ten years, his mind didn't wonder to the distsnt possibilities. He was perfectly fine with his life as a knight of the round table.

He missed his friends though. Herald Cross and Gerald had both died during the battle. Ashton, the loyal friend that he is, always attempted to keep Terrans mind away from the topic. He didn't like to see the prince sad.

Frieda and Austis stayed in Gaul to try and reorganize the land that rightfully belonged to the Dean's.

Haven returned to her forests, where she could keep an eye on things.


The lion knight looked out the balcony of his room. The sun was setting, yet he didn't find himself tired. He rested against the railing and sighed. He wondered how late he'd stay up.

It was difficult to adjust to his new lifestyle, but he liked it all the same. He trained and patrolled and went on whatever quests he was given. There wasn't anything special about this new life of his. At least, that's what he thought.

Hurried knocking came from his door. Who would be here at this hour? He opened the door to find out.

There stood Merlin with a silly smile on his face and a mischievous look in his eyes.

"Good!" He exclaimed, "You're here."

"Yes... I'm here." Terran replied confused.

"There are so many things to be done, you know?" Merlin rubbed the back of his head, "I can't possibly do it all myself."

He threw his arm around Terrans shoulders and began dragging him out into the hallway.

"Hey!" Terran shouted, "where the hell are you taking me!"

Merlin didn't loosen his grip at all. Infact, it became tighter.

Terran spotted Ashton carrying some books.

"Help me out here will you?"

Ashton gave him an awkward smile before looking for an excuse.

"Sorry... my hands are a little full already." He walked away without batting an eye.

Lancelot came down the hall and spotted Terran in his tricky situation.

"You mind lending me a hand?" Terran struggled to get out of the mages grip.

Lancelot looked to the ground.

"Sorry..." he said while walking away.

He seemed troubled, like he knew what was going on.

"Let me go you damned wizard." Terran thrust his elbow into his ribs.

Merlin let him go stumbled a little bit.

"Ow! Now that was just rude." Despite his clear pain, Merlin was giggling like there was some sort of joke that Terran didn't quite get.

"It's your own fault." Terran replied with no remorse, not feeling even a little sorry for what he did.

He attempted to walk back towards his room when Queen Guinevere stepped in front of him.

"Would you accompany me, Sir?" She asked nervously.

What was it that everyone was hiding from him? He knew it was some sort of trap, but he couldn't refuse the queen.

"Very well." He said.

He followed closely behind her, and Merlin behind him. He didn't like that the wizard kept that smug look on his face. Something was seriously wrong here.

"My queen." Terran said, "Could I know where we're going?"

He wasn't quite used to Camelot. Over his time here he had spent a large amount of time outside the castle on patrols or missions.

"The king has asked for you personally." She smiled at him, "I apologize for Merlins thoughtless actions."

"Hey! There was nothing thoughtless about it." The mage complained, "I was merely hurrying him along!"

The Queen held an elegant smile before stopping infront of a door. The door to the room she shared with the king.

"My queen, what are we doing here?" He asked

Guinevere motioned towards the door. Terran understood what she wanted and slowly opened the door.

Artoria stood isnide in a dress, her armor no where to be seen.

"I... I don't understand." He averted his eyes in embarrassment, something he had never thought to feel before.

"You see.. our king is rather complicated." Guinevere explained.

"She's just as confused as you are." Merlin continued.

Terran and artoria locked eyes, silence filling the room.

"And right now," The queen whispered in his ear, "She needs some attention."

She shoved him forward before closing the door behind him.


"Is this wise?" Guinevere asked.

Merlin smiled at her worry.

"I think so." He answered, "A tale of love often needs risk, does it not."

Merlin eyed her, looking for a reaction. She simply smiled.

"I suppose so." She said, "Now come. We have a meeting to attend in the kings place."

Merlin didn't make any fuss and simply followed after her.


Terran stood still, a blush slowly spreading across his face.

"I'm not sure how to act." He admitted.

They were a few feet apart and neither one of them made a move to get any closer.

"Neither do I." Artoria said, "I've never acted on feelings such as these."

She moved closer to him, raising her hand to touch his cheek. His hand came up to meet it. He leaned into it and felt his chest tighten.

These feelings were foreign to both of them, yet there was a desire to understand.

"Is this wrong?" He asked.

He took a step closer, pitting his left hand on the small of her back.

"Even if it is," she said, "I am a king."

"Very well then, my king" he breathed the words out, making it sound no louder than a whisper.

They both leaned forward, their lips finally meeting on a tender kiss.


Alright, that's that. This story was pretty interesting for me, so I hope people enjoyed it. Please feel free to ask questions about the story or characters.

I want to continue writing Fate stuff and explore other options too. I'll see where things go.

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