1 - Dragons and Saxons

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A knight stood atop a hill. His helmet was tucked under his arm. Furs sprouted from the back of it, giving it the appearance of a lions head. He wore a long brown coat under his silver armor. His left shoulder was covered in metal while his right only had leather. Red cloth could be seen intertwined with his armor and coat. It matched beautifully with his crimson hair.

The men that stood next to him were part of a mercenary company called Norden. The very same company he was part of. Terran had joined Herald Cross that day so long ago now.

A spear was In his hands, a more preferred weapon because of the terrain. It's pole was silver, wrapped in dark leather. The blade was long and had strange markings engraved into it. A metal spike was featured on the opposite side of the blade.

He put on his helmet as a saxon army charged up the hill, past their fallen comrades who had tried the same thing moments ago.

Terran lifted the spear, driving the blade through the first man who approached him. He quickly removed it, swinging it to his left and killing another man. He continued driving them back.

Mud shifted under his boots. He ripped his spear from a saxons body. He immediately thrust the spear backwards, the spike peircing through his enemies armor.


The shout came from across the battlefield. A very large man riding a very large horse rode across the the front lines. He weilded a long spear befitting his size. This would be a long battle.

Terran dashed across the hill, right towards the most formidable enemy on the feild. He unwrapped the leather on his spear, showing all the runes and markings underneath.

He twirled it in his hand, lightning sparking around it. A spear he had spent several days forging, and several months before hand studying metals and magic. With all his efforts, he had conquered the storm. It's lightning was now his to weild.

Terran moved swiftly across the front lines, his spear moving smoothly around his body. It crackled with every swing and every thrust. He carved a path through his enemies.

Finally he reached his destination. The giant of a man sat atop his horse, eyes bearing down on the prince.

It struck Terran as odd that the armor this man wore wasn't saxon. He wore full plate mail with chain mail woven underneath. His armor was decorated with gold and silver. The flag that hung off the side of his horse bore a Crow. Perhaps he was a brother of that usurper.

"What be thy name, boy."

"Terran." He answered.

"My name is Dantis Corvus Shay." The man answered, "you and me then, Terran of Camelot."

Terran didn't bother fixing what Dantis said. He wasn't from Camelot, not that it mattered right then and there. The larger man dismounted and slapped his horse, causing it to flee.

Both men stared eachother down, their Lance's at the ready. Dantis acted first, swinging his spear in a wide arc. He was making use of his larger, heavier blade. Terran blocked it with the metal handle of his own spear. He pushed his opponents blade down and thrust his spear towards the bigger man. Dantis dodged backwards. However, he was struck with lightning.

It took him off his feat. He tumbled down the hill a little before standing back up. A black spot was visible where it had charred his armor.

"Very few people could possibly have access to such weaponry." He said, "Tell me, boy, are you a knight of the round?"

"No." The young prince said, "I am merely a lion currently in the service of Camelot."

"I see." Dantis held his chest, "I wonder how strong they really are."

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