10 - Seige of the Hill

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Ravenhill was quickly surrounded by the forces of Camelot. It had begun. Seige weapons were being built and do to Terrans knowledge of the land, they had effectively cut off all supply chains. It would only be a matter of time before the Shay's were starved out of the Hill.

Terran found himself standing calmly alongside his king. A flag was in his right hand. It depicted a red lion and a shooting star on a grey background. This was the symbol given to him by Herald Cross.

"I sent a young knight named Cedric to fetch the forces of Norden from Camelot. Thanks to Haven, we know all of Callum's remaining forces are inside those walls so we needn't worry about a sneak attack."

Artoria had made sure that every detail was hammered out. With the help of Terran's knowledge of the terrain, there was no escape for the Shay's. No way to weasel out, and no way to talk it through.

Terran found himself staring at the tallest tower of the castle. The tower that held the kings chambers. He remembered running up the spiraling stairs to wake up his mother. She must have had it rough, raising so many children.

"Your eyes haven't left Ravenhill since we arrived." Artoria said, "It must be difficult for you."

"...My nephew is in there. In the hands of a tyrant who murdered his father. It's only difficult because he will suffer through this as well."

"Even now, your thinking of everyone but yourself." Ashton said.

"Only because he's blood."

"Don't lie to yourself, that's the worst thing you can do." Ashton gave a wide smile, "You'd be here even if Austis Dean wasn't."

Terran gave up on arguing with him. There wasn't a point to his hypocrisy, he had realized that now.

"Hm, maybe your right. But that's not the situation." Terran said, "Austis is in there. And either way, I'm here. And Callum Shay is scared of us. He knows if he faces us head on, he'll lose."

His golden eyes continued to stare at his childhood home. Not an ounce of fear or worry were visible on his face. Only his determination was viewable to all those around him.


Herald Cross was fully healed. He had been helping run Camelot with Agravain and Guenivere in the kings absence. But now that king had ordered him to follow their path towards Ravenhill with the forces of Norden. He trusted the kings judgment, and this young man he sent was so full of passion and youth, how could he refuse?

"I see, I see. My assistance is required." He stood from his spot on the round table and turned to Agravain, "I trust you can handle this alone. Come, young Cedric, we must gather the troops."

Cedric was an average height. Herald towered over him. There was such a difference that Herald could see the top of Cedric's head. He had blond hair and grey eyes. He wasn't a knight of the round, but he was a talented fighter.

"Sir Herald, how much do you know about Ravenhill? I've only ever heard rumors." Cedric asked.

"It was the home of my friend. The only friend that I'd have died for." Herald sighed, "It's walls are high and dark grey. They say the walls are impenetrable, that not even the strongest of weapons could peirce through. And I beleive it."

Herald had seen the castle under seige before. A time long ago, before Terran was even born. Those great grey walls repelled every attack. If they were to seige it, their greatest advantage would be cutting off supplies. But that also presented another problem. Everyone would starve. The guilty and the innocent alike would die slowly within the castled city.

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