|| First Look

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*Don't underestimate the healing power of these three things: Music, Ocean & Stars*

Unknown's POV~

Finally, I reached home. The day was really tiring. Two-bedroom flat which I share with my roommate Alina who happened to be my colleague and who is as usual out for Saturday night stay with her boyfriend, is my heaven nowadays. Without nagging of my mother or grandmother I can do whatever I want to in this heaven. That's why I came to this city.
Oh! I forgot to introduce myself.

Hello dearies!!!

My name is Ayat Seth and I'm a doctorate in chemistry. Every second person I meet with think and ask why am I working in school? And as usual in my reason I call it my passion for teaching. But how would I explain them I'm running from my mother's desperate demand of getting me married. I don't hate marriage, but I'm certainly not waiting for my prince charming also. I am just not ready to focus my attention somewhere else rather than my career.

Today I'm all my own so thought to cook myself my favorite white sauce pasta with grilled chicken. I call my mom for reporting my day-to-day schedule. It's a par of my routine. It's already night so mom must be watching TV.

“Hey Mom!!!” I took a long breath and get ready for the lecture.

“Hello Ayat. How are you? How was your day? Have you eaten?”

Of course my mom is one typical caring lady who has been dreaming for her daughter's wedding after her first cry.

“Yes Mom. I'm having pasta right now. Alina is staying at her cousin's place” a lie, “so I'm just going to watch some series and then sleep till Sunday afternoon”

“See that's why I told you to talk with Vickey. At least today you could have a company right now. You shouldn't waste your precious youth alone” And so on.... Mom and mom's lousy candidates.

Vickey is an engineer who lives in Pennsylvania and mom's 5th candidate. His sister lives here. I had a talk with her, she seemed nice but when she asked me to talk with her friend who works in an international bank I don't know why but it didn't give me good vibes and that's why I never met with her brother.

Mom and I chatted for some more time and then I started to watch my favorite Lord of the Rings series in my laptop. I didn't know when I drifted off to sleep.

“Good morning sleepy head”

My sleep was interrupted by Alina loud chattering. But this was not why I opened my eyes. I was tempted by the smell of coffee. Yeah, I am a caffeine addict. Everyone is when you have to work long hours at night.

“Good morning! When did you come back?”

“One hour ago. You are not going to ask me about Chris performance???”

“Oh please spare me. I'm not interested in his mileage”

“Oh common here I'm dying to tell you his tool was soooo....”

“Alina it's already afternoon I'm going to make some sandwiches are you want some?”

And like this I took a bail from her wild night gossip. I really don't want to know because as for me I'm a 25-year-old virgin she is Mike Tyson of this field wild, demanding, driven. She knows what she wants in her sexual life. We both are like poles apart but still we are best friends.

Suddenly my phone ping with my VK messenger. That's a message from my Russian friend Riley. We met in a conference during our PhD. She is in the town now with her cousin.

Wow... We chatted for sometime and decided to catch up on Saturday night in Agent Jack club.

Next day at school everyone was criticizing the VP for his behavior on the event in staff room. Alina and Sam came and sat beside me. Samantha aka Sam is also my one of colleague I met in this job and now we are really close.

“Hey! Have you checked out the Insta account of our VP”

Alina's sudden question startled me. Why would I be checking out anyone's Insta and that too his with whom I don't even get to meet face to face yet. But judging by her and Sam's excitement something is fishy.

“No why, what happened?”

“You must check this out I have sent you some pictures of his.... look at that... the guy is something. Too hot.”

Did I mention that any guy with good muscles and fleshy sports car and Alina can just eat him whole?

“See his videos. This guy is total player I am telling you” Sam exclaimed from her seat.

“How do you know that?”

“Oh common he changes his girlfriends like phone, every month new one”

“Do you change your phone every month?” I asked raising my eyebrows.

And she just glared at like saying just pick up my point don't go deep with meaning. In response, I could only shake my head.

For the first time in six months after joining this school I saw the face of the person and guess what everyone was right I got mesmerized.

He has very sharp, square jawline, fair, sharp features, jet black short hair. He got a stud in his right ear. He wasn't smiling in any of the photo but that straight face gives a dominating alpha men aura that can attract any girl in one glance.

But the thing that captivated me was his eyes like it's saying something. Of course, he was a man of few words as everyone says because his eyes are so very communicating. A tap in my shoulder bring me back in reality.

“He is out of our league girls. Can you just focus on upcoming preliminary exams? We have lots of work to do.”

“Why are you so boring? At this rate you are going to be a virgin for your whole life.”

“Not again” I silently warned her about the topic. I am not in mood to discuss my virginity in damn staff room.

It's not like that I don't want to date, it's just I want a one-night stand only, so that I don't have to trouble by nagging relationship or a clingy partner.

I took a long breath and refocus on my work. After all I just need to wait for this year only, then I'll be free. I'm eagerly waiting for my final Viva and post doc approval.

Srish 💕

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