|| Jealous Ryan

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*Better to have loved and divorced, than to stuck with an idiot forever*

Ryan's POV~

Soon after the weekend came and everyone got busy with the sports event of company. Everyone was going to participate in that so everyone was excited. Everyone got divided into 5 teams red, green, blue, orange and yellow. Ryan, his younger brother Zyan and Edward were present to attend the game. Mr. Hudson also take the seat with then. All the employees were dressed according to their respective teams colour.

Soon the game started. There were so many games like ball jumping, aiming, three leg race, spoon lemon, all the fun games. Ayat was in red team and was participated almost in every game. She was very good in athletes also so she came first in all.

"This is why I like my assistant so much" Ryan said smiling towards Ayat.

"So you like her" Edward raised his eyebrow in question then Ryan noticed he said it loud.

"Not as a woman but as an employee.. see how she can complete any task with perfection" Ryan answered. Now Austin, Zyan everyone was looking at him.

At the last treasure hunt was remaining and for that you need a partners. Sam runs towards Ayat after she won the aiming game.

"Hii Ayat the things I heard about you don't do the justification. I can see you are very good at athletes also" Ayat was pleased with the compliment so she genuinely smiled.

"Thank you... What can I do for you Sam?"

"We are a team along with two other colleagues in treasure hunt, let's do it well"

"Ahhh thank you"

She smiled at him and he walked away. There is no doubt Sam is a good looking guy. And he was the one who helped her on her first day at office. After that they have shared few cups of coffee also in cafeteria but nothing more than that. She came to know from Emily that he is the most popular guy in office he also won the people choice award of company

Then Ayat looked to Sam who was surrounded by the girls colleagues, they were offering him water, juices, energy bars. And he was quite enjoying their company but when she looked to her devil Boss he was already looking at her direction.

The devil is certainly most handsome here

There eyes were locked for few minutes but she immediately shook her head and scolded herself "Stupid girl what are you thinking, you said to Alina he is out of everyone's league"

When game started both she and Sam joined others. They were from finance department.

Ryan was watching everything from top. He saw them chatting happily and sharing some laughs also. Why can't she be this carefree with him? He thought to himself. He was getting restless.

"Who is that guy?"

He asked to Austin who told him about Sam and about his hard work and dedication. He praised him but Ryan was not interested in all that. Sam was already in his bad list.

"Ohh treasure hunt is next. I wonder how many couples will form this year" Austin exclaimed in cheering voice whereas Ryan stare at him with wide eyes.

"What does that mean?"

"Oh you see, this is the game of intelligence and cooperation and understanding. So couple who are compatible to eachother win the game. Every year 90 percent of them become real couples." Austin replied to Ryan unsaid question.

"What???" He exclaimed and Zyan said in amused tone.

"Don't worry your girl won't be getting paired here. I am sure you won't let her even if she wants to"

"Of course Ayat can't be paired with Sam. I won't let it happen."

Edward, Zyan, Austin all were looking to him with a creepy smile on their face but Ryan was completely clueless of their this behaviour.

"What now??"

"I didn't mention about her pairing with Sam. I just said your girl. There are other members also in team but of course they are already a couple from last year. And I know you wouldn't know that, right."

Ryan was speechless he unknowingly admitted his attention towards Ayat. But that was the last thing he would want to think about right now. He was worried about Sam and Ayat's closeness here.

When he looked at their direction they were busy in solving puzzles. Every time with their closeness Ryan's heart beat like drum against his rib cage. But unaware of his condition Ayat was enjoying the game. She sometimes whispered in Sam's ears.

At last when they found the final clue they ran out of his sites and he almost jumped out of his seat to find his girl. But his friends held him in one place. Once they came back with the treasure box and hand it over to judges in an excitement they jumped, laughed and hugged each other.

Ryan got angry seeing all this and went away from the event and locked himself without waiting for event to complete. Edward, Austin, Zyan everyone was trying to entered in his office. They were continuously knocking at the door. On the ground Ayat noticed her boss was absent again.

What's with this guy? Why can't he watch the event to its end?

She remembered the school sports day when she was annoyed by his same behaviour. She decided to talk to him about this and when to office. There she saw all his friends were knocking his door. She went to door and quickly unlock it by password and then she started scolding Ryan for his irresponsible behaviour on leaving the event at mid.

Everyone got shocked nobody never talked with Ryan like that but most shocking thing was Ryan was listening to her with a creepy smile.

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