|| First Meeting

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*All glory comes from daring to begin*

Ayat's POV~

Days passed and I reached to Agent Jack to meet my friend Riley. I was happy after our conference in Tashkent 2 years ago we finally get to meet today.

I was wearing my royal blue dress which reached to my mead thighs with full sleeves and deep v neck cut that's showing a significant amount of my cleavage too. The fabric is so soft it's highlighting all my curves perfectly. They say, when nature has given you beautiful curves so why not flaunt it right.

The club was overflowing with crowd with vibrant disco lights

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The club was overflowing with crowd with vibrant disco lights. Musky woody and rich smell of alcohol floating in atmosphere. I headed towards the VIP corner to see my friend. Riley located me instantly through a crowd and walked towards me.

It's so strange that how one week of friendship lead two people in a strong bonding. We reached to her counter and there I saw the devil who was continuously coming in my dream to haunt me since Monday and whom I desperately tried to remove from my head..... My VP.... Mr. Ryan Grey.

“Hey guys! This is my friend Ayat Seth”

Riley introduced me to everyone including my VP. I was shocked at first but quickly recovered and greeted everyone.

One hot girl was clung to him and rubbing her assets on his shoulder. That was weird but who cares right. He was observing me I could see, but why, you had got some hot chick in your side focus on that dude. I thought might be he recognized me, but we never had any proper introduction right so how could he and then I never dressed like this in front of him so definitely not.

With that note I left all my worries behind and tried to mingle with crowd. We ordered our drinks, and I was enjoying so far.

“Hey babes! How's everything going? I missed you so much.” Riley said.

“Me too. And everything is good.” I smiled slowly. She was the nicest person I have ever met.

“So any boyfriend?” It's came from that chick who was beside my VP and I got to know its Elizabeth Riley's cousin and my boss's temporary girlfriend I guess. Temporary because on Monday there was someone else in the pic with him.

“Nope not interested” I replied without any second thought.

“Why? Are you a Lesbos?”

What the fuck.... she did not just say that. How could she ask me that? Now everyone was looking at me including him. I calmed myself and a slow smirk appeared on my lips.

“Of course not, but I am not interested to report someone about my day-to-day routine”

Her jaw dropped hearing my answer. I guess she didn't expect me being sassy. That was a sight to be seen.

“So you are a teacher... Isn't it really a boring profession, it's noble but boring. Change the profession if you listen to me.”

Oooo no no don't go there babe. I know what game you are playing. Someone is not ready to lose.

“Nope it's actually better than living in someone others money”

Riley chocked in her drink and others just turned their face I guess they were trying to suppress their laugh because nothing else came out from that bitch's mouth after this.

To avoid the further tension Elizabeth dragged the VP in dance floor and everyone followed them.

And man... the devil can dance.

Everyone was enjoying the song they were moving with the beat. I was enjoying my drink. Seeping and watching them move around the floor.

Suddenly I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and turning around I saw Ethan the boy from group. I am sure he was also a player.... no no let me correct myself a rich handsome player but what was he doing here?

“Hey babe want to join us?”

“Nope. I don't dance, I'm enjoying the show though.”

“Common babe don't be a kill joy” He moves his hand to my thigh. And instantly an urge of giving him a tight slap rose inside me but before I could remove his hand someone pulled him back. And to my surprise it's my VP.

Seriously, like he was now playing the savior role.

“What the fuck you think you are doing Ethan. Leave her alone.”

“Why? Are you also interested in her? And I don't blame you, who will not like to...” before he could complete his line my VP punched him.

Oouch!!! Seriously he hit his friend for me, a complete stranger.

Riley and others took Ethan away from us and my VP came closer to me
“Should I drop you somewhere? Of course if you want to go home right now.”

Ooo man he has a such strong heavy voice that arose a shiver on me.

“No I'm fine. I want to stay for a little longer”

Did he just try to get rid of me?? And why the hell I stayed, I didn't even know anyone except Riley.

We stayed more than a little longer. When I was in my fifth drink it was already midnight. I don't know when I slept but when I opened my eyes I was in a hotel room.

Srish 💕

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