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*Before you break someone's heart, make sure you are not in it*

Next day in her office Ayat was going through some regular meeting reports but her mind was not cooperating with her, it was wondering about the fact she came to know about yesterday.

Yesterday night when Ryan called her before going to sleep she hid her emotions from him and tried hard to control her shaking voice. She was in urge of tears.

She wanted to tell him everything then and there but she was afraid of losing him. She didn't know how would he react. But she need to think a way to tell him soon.

But she couldn't just break down into tears, she couldn't be weak. She needed to be strong for Ryan, for Yuna.

Yuna... her thought brought out the fear she was trying to hide. How will she react? How will the whole family react? And what Ryan think of her?

Will he accept her, the sister of a man who destroyed his sister's life?

He already hate him, he is never going to accept her. Why god? Why? Why always me?

Why this man always snatch away everything that I love? First my dad and now my love. Everything is finished, everything.

Finally she didn't try to control for once she let it out. All the grief, pain and soon she broke down into tears.

In Ryan's office,

"What the hell are you doing here in my office?" Ryan growled at James.

"Why everyone always ask me the same damn questions?" He smirked and took the seat opposite Ryan.

"Just get out from here before I do something that I'll regret" Ryan pointed at door.

"Ohh let's just calm down and talk like adult man. I know you don't like me but your sister loves me. At least hear me out for her sake"

Ryan sneered inside on his mention of Yuna.

"What do you want?"

"Look I know you think I am here with an evil purpose but trust me this time I only want my family back. I want to marry Yuna and want my baby girl to accept me as her father."

As soon as words left from James mouth Ryan moved like a thunderbolt and grabbed him by neck.

"You dare to say that again"

"Ryan please I am serious this time. I love Yuna and I really want to marry her, make her mine" James struggled to free himself from his grip.

Ryan droped him at seat.

"So you are sincere... May I know the reason behind it"

"It's about time I take my responsibilities seriously. I was blind with my youth and money in past. I just wanted to run around like a free bull and enjoy my life like a spoilt brat.
Then Yuna came in my life and I fell in love with her but when she told me about her pregnancy I got panic. I was quite young damnit, we were in university. I didn't wanted to ruin our youth so I asked her for abortion but she denied and flew back to India"

He sighed and continue.

"But after few years I was started to feel loneliness, I started to miss her again. I was with so many girls after her I won't deny it but no one was her. So I talked to my parents and fly down here to talk with her. And to my surprise she forgave me"

"Of course she did... What do you expect from her. Despite of your betrayal she still loves you... Huhhh.... But don't expect me to melt down with your this love sick speech. I know better than this. Please leave"

After saying that Ryan went back to his seat.

"So it's ok to you to fuck my sister but when it comes to your, don't you think you are being rather too much judgemental here" James asked him raising his brows.

"Shut up I never slept with your sister... Just get out from here" Ryan glared at him angrily.

"So who is your current girlfriend then?" James smirked.

"It's none of your business" Ryan tensed at his mention about Ayat. Why is he mentioning her? He is surely trying to play dirty mind game.

"I am sure it's my business when it comes to my sister"

"I said I don't know your sister"

"Are you sure Ryan because as per my knowledge you and Ayat are still together"

At the mention of Ayat Ryan's eyes widened.

"What do you mean? Ayat doesn't have anything to do with you."

"Of course she has.. after all she is my half sister"

"It's not possible her name is Seth and you are a Green" Ryan spoke much like a whispered in shock.

"Yes she took after her mother's maiden name but our fathers name is Winston Green. He and her mother separated years ago and my father married to my mother again. So practically we are brother and sister" James spoke calmly.

But it didn't calm the Ryan's heart beats which increased with every line James spoke.

"So she knew? She is also involved in all this?" Ryan asked in disbelief.

"Of course she is. She is my sister what do you expect from her. Due to her good nature now everyone in family will trust me even more because I know everyone already adores her"

Ryan heard everything and his blood started boiling. He could not believe his Petal, his own girl betrayed him like this.

So she was planning all this from long time. Now everything made sense her living a simple life, her being secretive about her every move. Of course she is rich, she belongs to a well established family of London.

Ryan laughed at his stupidity. He then looked to James

"Leave now"

Before he could say anything James stood up and left his office.

"Wow Petal... You are quite an actress... Well played...." He laughed bitterly.

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Srish 💕

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