|| Decorated Grey House

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*If you don't correct them when they upset you, they will never learn to treat you right*

When Nate came back from his tour he got the news about Ryan and Ayat's break up. He directly went to visit Ryan at home and got shocked seeing the preparation and decorations of house. It seemed like they were going to host a grand event in next few days.

Or may be a wedding.

Nate rushed towards his friends room, he didn't want him to take wrong decision in anger. He knew Ryan is upset with Ayat but it doesn't mean everything should be finished like this. He loves her, he has seen himself his friends possessive love for Ayat.

As soon as he reached to door he flung it open.

"Don't tell me you are getting married next week?"

Ryan looked at his friend and his anxious expression. He stood up from his chair where he had been sitting and reviewing the reports.

It's been a hard week for him. After his emotional encounter with Ayat, their break up and mainly after the resignation of her, it's completely unbearable for him to concentrate in work or anything else. She had been his world for these few months.

"Who told you I am going to get married next week? For that I need a girl first."

Nate let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank god. I thought you are that much angry on Ayat, you are going to take a wrong decision"

"So news fly out so fast... You already know we are not together anymore"

"And why is that? Both were so much in love, what happened in few week?"

Nate demanded the explanation and Ryan started sharing his pain after long battle on his mind. He was tired of this pain and loneliness.

"She was playing with my emotions. She never loved me"

"Is this a some kind of joke? You know what happened after your break up? She was hospitalized for two days Ryan... For whole forty eight hours."

"What.... How is she now? Where is she?"

"Great.... Now you are worried about her. What's wrong with you dude? If you cared about her so much then why hurt her to this extent, why broke her?"

Nate questions hung between them unanswered. Few minutes later when Ryan felt like Nate wasn't going to give up he gave him the answer.

"After coming back from the trip when I reached home I saw James with my family at my home."

"James means Yuna's ex boyfriend?"

"Yes. I was angry at my family to let him come near Yuna or Violet but then dad told me they were planning to keep an eye on him. The very next day I went to office and met with Ayat I did tell her about the situation at home and she understood me and supported me or should I say acted like a supporting girlfriend"

"What do you mean by acting? How can you say like that about her?"

"She is James sister Nate" Ryan yelled and Nate's expression turned into shock.

"Yes she is his step sister. He came to my office and told me about their relationship. I felt betrayed but still I thought to investigate the matter first. I gave a call to my PI to searched James activities in few days after coming to India and so you know what I found?"

"What?" Nate asked in low voice. It was all too much for him together.

"He visited Ayat, he visited her before coming to me and informing me about their relation. But what hurt me more Ayat didn't say anything about it. About having a brother or that his brother is the reason behind my sister's miserable life. She left a good impression of her in my family. She even bounded with Violet outside of house. She made a good opening plot for his brother to come back in our life"

"Ryan still how are you so sure she was involved with him in this?"

"I saw the cctv footage Nate. I saw him visiting her appartment and you know the surprising part he has the key of her appartment, whereas we don't have. If she wasn't so close with him then why does she give him a key?"

Ryan sighed. "I trusted her the most. If she has told me beforehanded that he was her brother but she didn't have to do anything with his evil deed I would have believed her but she hide everything from me"

Ryan sat back on his sit covering his face with both of his hand. Nate put his hand on shoulder of his friend and gave it a gentle squeeze. He now knew how much his friend was hurt.
But one thing he was sure, it's was all James doing.

"So this function is about what?"

"We are celebrating Violet's birthday next week. James father and mother are also coming to visit. They want James and Yuna to get married. But me, dad and Zyan we are planning to expose him. He already told everyone at home about his and Ayat's relation and now everyone saw him with good eyes"

"That fucking bastard, he used Ayat in his play"

"No they used me, both of them in their play" A tear drop from Ryan's eyelid.

Nate sighed, he knew this was not the time to convince his friend. First they needed to save Yuna and Violet from James.

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Srish 💕

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