|| President

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*Believe it or not, one sided love is always true and pure*

When Ryan opened his eyes he found himself tied down in a chair.

"Hello Mr. Grey" a deep eyes came from the dark side of room.

"Who are you? And why are you doing this?" Ryan asked... Anger could be heard in his voice and expression.

"So many questions Mr. Grey, but haven't anybody told you before, too much curiosity could be harmful sometimes?" Man laughed mockingly at him

"If you know my name then how dare you to do this to me and my friends? And where is Nate and Alina?"

"Look at your right and as per about that girl... Let my men have some fun after that you all have to die together in anyway" that guy scowled.

Ryan looked at his right Nate was still unconscious but he just couldn't wait for his to be awake. He needed to save Alina. He prayed silently that Ayat would get his message, he didn't even know where was his Mobile.

"Bring the girl here, let them also have some fun.... Ha ha ha" he laughed... A devilish laugh.

Soon the men brought Alina into room dragging her by her hair.

"Ryan, Nate please save me" Alina cried, she was scared, she was frightened with all these men's vulture eyes.

"Don't you dare to touch her. What do you want tell me? I'll give you that just name the price."

Ryan said in a loud voice but his voice was shivering, he was afraid of what they would do to Alina.

Nate started to open his eyes slowly due to the noice of surrounding. As soon as he gained his consciousness he heard Alina's scream


He looked towards the voice and saw some men were hovering over her. One was holding her hands above her head, two were holding her legs and the manager was tearing her clothes.

"You bastards.... Leave her. I am going to kill you" Nate was raging.

Ryan was trying hard to break his chair but some men hold him tight in his position and all the time that evil boss laughing wrathfully, maliciously.

"please leave me, please" Alina was begging, crying, weeping hard but the manager slapped her hard on face.

"you bastard... you dare to touch my woman. I am going to cut your hands" Nate was shouting angrily.

Suddenly the door burst opened and Ayat entered with few bodyguards. Soon the scenario changed and all the men were laying down on the floor, all the place was flooded with blood.

As soon as Nate and Ryan were freed, Nate went to manager and dragged him out of Alina from his hair and punched him until every single bone of his body was broken.

Ayat went quickly to Alina and hold her into her embrace tightly covering up with her long shrug. But Alina was trembling with fear, her body was full of bruises and it broke Ayat's heart.

She was furious, she walked towards the boss and held her with neck.

"How dare you to touch my friend?"

The boss looked towards his manager who body was laid down infront of Ryan and Nate in half concious state.

"You idiot... How could you forgot to tell me about the presence of her?"

The manager got confused, he never thought that mere girl could be important to his boss.

"I didn't know she is someone important"

"You stupid fellow... She is the president of your resort... The Serendipity." He sneered in the stupidity of his man.

"How could I let a stupid man worked under my wing... Disgusting"

Due to his foolishness he was here today in this condition, his whole empire was finished.

Soon the police arrived, took all the culprits with them and thanked Ayat, Alina, Nate and Ryan to help them to finished the human trafficking business in their town.

Everyone was shocked, everyone was scared specially Alina, so no one spoke to the whole ride to the resort.
But when they were at the entrance of resort they heard a sound.

Bammm... A sound of gunfire.

Nate held Alina and Ryan held Ayat tightly, everyone was looking to the direction of sound and bodyguards were covering them but soon Ayat fell unconscious in Ryan's arms.

Then he noticed blood in his hand and looked to Ayat, she was shot.

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Srish 💕

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