|| Amnesia

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*To all the people with good heart; one you will get what you deserve*

Ryan's POV~

"You are awake... Thank god" he kissed her forehead repeatedly. But Ayat just blinked her eyes.

Ryan got worried after seeing her expression like she was trying to absorb and identify each and every objects in room.

He quickly pressed the button for call the doctor but nobody comes. And when she speaks for the first time in six months, Ryan felt like his whole world stopped.

"Who are you?" Ayat asked Ryan with confused face.

Ryan immediately ran to find the doctor. What just happened?? Did his petal forget about him?

Doctor entered in room with Ryan and directly went to check Ayat. In the meantime Carter and Mrs. Seth also reached. And their they saw granny sat beside Ayat's bed.

"She is perfectly alright, her vital are strong. Just some rest and proper food and she will be perfectly fine." Doctor explained her situation.

"But doctor.... I want to talk to you about something in personal" Ryan said to doctor and Carter and Mrs Seth looked at him in confusion. But before they leave Ayat asked again.

"Who are you people? And what happened to me?"

Hearing her words everyone became stunned and looked at her and then doctor astound.

"This is what I wanted to talk to about" Ryan broke the silence.

Ayat asked again "Are you my husband? But I don't have any ring so are you my boyfriend?"

Ryan didn't know how to reply. He thought when she shall be awake, he shall apologize to her and beg her to give him a new chance.

But now he didn't know what to do? Should he take the advantage of this situation and move on with her? Or should he wait for her to remember everything?

"I think she is suffering from temparory amnesia, that might be because of her head injury but I am sure she shall remember everything soon" Doctor explained.

"Oh thank god" All three let out a breath of relief. But on other side granny looks calm. Nobody noticed that though.

"But you need to make sure no stress for her and if possible take her for vacation" doctor continued with his talk.

"I'll take her for vacation" Ryan spoke in the middle of doctors talk. He was afraid her mother again will take her away from him.

"Ohk that's good and I'll make sure nobody knows about your location, just for precaution" Carter supported Ryan.

Mrs. Seth also agreed with them because her daughter safety and well-being was her main priority.

Soon Ayat got discharged from hospital and Ryan, Nate, Alina they all go on a trip as planned to Serendipity in a hope that she shall regain her memory if they walked down the memory lane.

"Where are we going?" Ayat asked looking out of the window. She can only see the clouds but still the anticipation was killing her.

Ryan smiled at her curiosity. This was the thirteenth time she asked the same question. Although he was happy, she accepted him as his boyfriend without any doubt or further argument.

When she called Mrs. Seth mom she was crying. She doesn't remembered her mom but still looking at the pics she accepted all relations.

Ryan replied softly "it's a surprise sweetheart."

"Yes but you didn't tell me the place"

"It's a private resort babe. You are going to love it"

"Ok... How long?"

"Just half and hour more. Why don't you take a nap. I'll wake you up when we reach"

"Ok" Ayat smiled excitedly and close her eyes for some sleep. She was already exhausted.

Ryan kissed her forehead and let her head rest in his shoulder.

When they reached Ayat felt her body lifted up slightly but didn't open her eyes as always.

When she opened her eyes she was in a bed. She rubbed her eyes trying to see more clearly and welcome by the cool breeze and mild sound of sea shore. She walked to the balcony and witnessed the most beautiful sunset in her life.

She admired the peace and vibrant colours of evening sky. After mesmerizing the wonderful show of nature for an hour she went to washroom.

After getting changed she came into tthe living room and found Ryan on couch working on some reports.

Ryan felt her presence and lifted up his head from files.

"Hey sweetheart"

He walked over to her and kissed on her cheek. It still bothered Ayat that why doesn't he kiss her on lips if he is her boyfriend.

"How did you sleep?" Ryan asked going back to his work.

"Good actually very peaceful. I really didn't realise when we reached here and how I reached to my bed" she replied taking a seat.

"No doubt about that Sweetheart. You actually sleep like a log" Ayat just glared listening his reply.

"Ahhmm.. ok so I was waiting for you to wake up and as now you have. Let's get going"

"Where are we going?" She asked out of curiosity.

"Just to have dinner with Nate and Alina. But if you are not feeling well we can always order in"

"No, let's go to resturant. Dinner sounds yummy" Ayat replied in excitement.

"I know how much you love your food Petal"

When Ryan called her Petal she felt butterflies in her tummy. She thought to herself he knows her favourite food, books, he cares for her deeply. So what he doesn't kiss her on lips may be due to my accident he is being careful.

So she took the initiative and wrapped her hands around him resting her head on his shoulder.

Ryan stiff due to her closeness all of a sudden and Ayat noticed his reaction.

"Sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" She lowered her eyes slowly ashamed of her boldness. May be he doesn't like bold moves.

"No no it's alright baby" He quickly regained his thoughts and caressed her cheeks.

But Ayat was hurt slightly and confused also so she distant herself from him.

"Let's go then" She diverted the conversation.

They reached on table where Nate and Alina were already been seated. They were holding hands of eachother. That makes Ayat sad. She should be happy for her friend right, but she finds herself longing for this affection. And can't help it but feel envy to her.

They had a good dinner together and a very good chat. Despite of her lose of memory, she still feels some kind of belonging with them. She knows this people loves and cares for her deeply.

"Let's get you back to our room Petal. It is time for your medicine"

She smiled softly at Ryan and they made their way to room after saying goodnight to Nate and Alina.

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Srish 💕

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