Never let me go

38 3 104

Adam's: POV

I arrived to the house and I had an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach. I walked into the house and shone with my flashlight.

I ran upstairs and found my boyfriend in a puddle of blood. I fell down on my knees and tears were rolling down my cheeks. I lay down his head in my lap and stroked his forehead.

I was holding his bloody body close to me while I run into the hospital. "I need help, my boyfriend is badly injured, please can someone help me?" I begged and tears were streaming down my face.

"What has happened?" asked a blonde man. "He has been tortured." I said. "I'll take care of him." he replied and I went to the waiting room. Don't die. I thought for myself.


I went up to our bedroom and sat down on the floor. The last time I was alone was when I was in jail.

We've had our fights, but I'll never stop loving him. He saved my life, I wouldn't be here today without him.

Peter was the first man who treated me with kindess and love. He made me realize that life is worth living. He's my hero and I'm proud to be his boyfriend.

Stay strong Adam❤️

I hope you liked the chapter


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