Anywhere you are, I am near. Anywhere you go, I'll be there.

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Adam's: POV

Robyn was in coma and a machine showed her heartbeat. I stroked her cheek and a new tear were rolling down my cheek.

Anywhere you are, I am near. Anywhere you go, I'll be there. Anytime you whisper my name, you'll see.

Every single promise I'll keep. 'Cause what kind of guy would I be?  If I was to leave. When you need me most. What are words if you really. Don't mean them when you say them. What are words if they're only. 

For good times then that's all. When it's love ya you say them. Out loud these words. They never go away. They live on. Even when we're gone. And I know an angel was sent. Just for me an I know I'm meant.

To be where I am and I'm gonna be. Standing right beside her tonight. And I'm gonna be by your side. I would never leave when she needs me most. I sang.

Enzo put his arm around me. I wiped away the tears. "You're a wonderful father to her." he said. "Thank you." I replied with a smile on my face.


A week later

"I'm a bad father." I said. "Don't say that." replied mom. "I should've known that something was wrong." I said. "It's not your fault." replied Leila. "I don't want to lose her mom." I said and tears were rolling down my cheeks. "Robyn is our warrior, she can fix this." she replied. "You're right." I said with a smile on my face.

I felt a finger on my hand. "You can do this Robyn, I know that." I said and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Did she moved?" asked Leila. "She moved her finger." I said. "Take your time sweetie." replied Leila. "I know you will not give up." I said. "She's a fighter." replied Leila. Then we had to go, I knew Robyn would be okay. I drove back home with a smile on my face.

Stay strong Adam. We're here for you.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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