Chapter Two

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I walked in. I didn't know my parents were gonna be home. They were but they were dead on the floor. Dead. I couldn't believe what I saw so I stood there for a minute. Then I called 9-11.

Once they got at my house they asked if I had anyone I could stay with, the only person was Felix because Cassy and Jade's parents didn't like me after this party that Cassy and Jade caused trouble but somehow their parents blamed me. Since my parents were home I supposed there were to. Um, my best friend Felix" I had tears rolling down my face. "Give him a call and see if you can stay there". I grabbed my phone and called Felix. "Hey girl what's up". "Felix my parents there dead, murdered gone, can I please come and stay with you". I head Felix breathe grow faster telling he was having anxiety. "Felix I'm okay I just need to stay with you". "Yeah, that's fine". "I'll grab my stuff and drive over there be over there soon". I found the officer that helped me and told him that Felix let me stay at his place. "You can go and grab your stuff and head over there, we'll give you a night to process what happened and tomorrow come in for question". I nodded and head up to my room and grabbed everything important and clothes.

I drove over to Felix's place. He was outside waiting for me. I got out of the car and he ran up to me and gave me a hug. I hugged him back I felt safe I didn't want to leave his side. "My parents said you can stay in the guest room if that's okay with you," Felix said during the hug. "Yeah that's fine anything will do".

After a couple of minutes, we went inside. His parents came up to me hugging me. I swear they all were the nicest people ever. "Do you need anything food, water?" Felix's mom said worried about me. "I'm fine thank you, can I go and shower?" Felix's mom nodded and Felix took my stuff to the guest room. I grabbed my clothes and everything I needed for a shower. I sat in the shower crying. I couldn't get the image of my parents dead on the floor out of my head. I never got to see them due to business I saw them once every other month. The first time I saw them this year they were dead, dead on the floor. "Hey, Kaylee want me to tell Cassy and Jade" Felix screamed. "Sure just make sure to tell them not to worry" I screamed back at him.

I got out of the shower and changed. I walked out and Felix called me to his room. "Hey so I was thinking uh maybe I should call Changbin because I have his number," Felix said sounding like he was worried I was gonna kill him. "What are you crazy why would we call him and when did you get his number". Felix sighed "I told the whole GC". I felt bad for shutting them out now. "Why would you tell him though". "Well murders are usually involved with a mafia gang and I thought he could have an inside of it," Felix said. He was right "Fine but I'm going to the room".

Felix POV
I pulled out my phone and called Changbin "What the hell do you want" he sounded like he just woke up. I was surprised he even answered. "Well, you know how you are in the mafia right" I honestly had no idea what to say. "Wait how the hell do you know that". I started laughing because he sounded so dumb right now "Why the hell are you laughing Felix". "You do realize like everyone knows this right". You could hear his breathe change. "Oh," changbin said letting out a sigh. "Well, why did you call me" god he was scary. "well Kaylee parents were just murdered and I was wondering if you knew anything about it". "Oh shit, is she okay um let me ask the others I haven't heard anything" Changbin sounded full of sorrow for once. "Okay, thanks and she's dealing with it I mean she was the one that found them". Changbin came back on the phone "Chan or anyone else hasn't heard anything but Lee Know might know something so I'm putting him on the phone" Oh hell no not Lee Know. "wait wha-". Then of course he was on the phone I was supposed to only talk to CHANGBIN not anyone else. "Hey, Felix" Lee Know voice sounded so dull with no expression it was weird. "Oh hey". "Okay well how were her parents killed do you happen to know". "no Kaylee found them then headed to my house". "Well put her on the phone" oh shit this isn't good Lee Know is the last person she would want to talk to right now. "I don't think she would want to talk about that right now". "PUT HER ON THE FUCKING PHONE FELIX" He was yelling and lord it was scary. "Fine if she gets mad at me or you, or doesn't talk that's not my fault". I walked over to the room she was staying in.

Kaylee POV

Felix walked in with the phone. Hopefully, he was done talking to them. "Ok um so Lee Know wants to talk to you he's on the phone right now" the words that just came out of Felix's mouth made me want to slap the shit out of him. "Are you joking I am not talking to him". I can't believe Felix right now. I could hear Lee Know yell "okay fine I'm coming over Felix what's your address". "Don't fucking give it to him I swear to go-". There he goes yelling AGAIN "I swear to god Felix" I could see Felix scared. I then realized maybe he could help somehow I don't even know why he's on the phone but he could help. "just give it to him". Felix told him the address and he said he'd be over in 20 minutes.

Lee Know POV

"Where the hell do you think you're going" Chan yelled at me. "I'm going over to Felix's house to see what happened to Kaylee's parents". "Wait why do you get to go to Felix house" Changbin jealous as always. "Ooo you love him" Hyunjin started teasing. Changbin punched him and Hyunjin probably almost died because of how dramatic he is. "Is that okay with you Chan". "Yes, it is but bring Seungmin and I.N". God, I didn't really wanna bring them but whatever. "Okay, we will be back in a little". We all started heading over. I shot Felix a text saying we were coming.

Kaylee POV
"THERE ON THE WAY" Felix yelled. Why did he have to come? I mean changbin wouldn't be that bad he is A LOT better than Lee Know. Then I heard a knock on the door great they were here.

Sorry if this story isn't good so far. I'm trying lol. But I really hope y'all like it. Anyways byeee

Love and hate // L.MWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu