Chapter 17

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Seungmin POV

The car ride was long and awkward. No one spoke the whole time and it was better that way. I'm confused about why Cassy wanted me more than her own best friends.

After a car ride that seemed like forever, we finally got to her house. I knocked on the door and she answered the door and it seemed like she had been crying. "Are you okay?" I ask hugging her. "Oh, I.N broke up with me," she said crying. "Hyunjin broke up with me that's strange" Cassy making a weird face as I spoke. "can we go to the bar, I have a fake id," She says tugging on my shirt. I could smell alcohol on her, I knew we both were going to be drinking so I recommend just walking and she agreed.

The breeze was blowing slightly. It was warm out but not to warm like you could wear a sweater. I loved walking in the fall it was my favorite thing ever.

Walking with Cassy in the silence felt good, everything going on she felt comforting. I will probably always love Hyunjin and will always want him back. I'm not dumb either though, something definitely is going on, it just happened I.N broke up with Cassy the same day and around the same time. I.N also got a phone call then had to get Hyunjin, then Hyunjin breaks up with me. It's just all weird

As we walk upon the bar it's not very packed. We both show our IDS and go into the bar. "4 shots and after that, I want 4 more rounds. I look at Cassy uneasy but she doesn't care.

After our 2nd round of shots, I starting to feel a little tipsy but Cassy looked fine. We both started getting a little handsy. My hand was on her thigh rubbing it, she was whimpering under her breath. We got our 3rd round and after that, we both leaned in and kissed.

Hyunjin POV

Driving with Seungmin was probably the last thing he wanted but him being by me was all I wanted. I hated the silence I just wanted to pull the car over and kiss him, talk to him, and make him feel okay. He's the only person I could truly ever love. He's the person to get me to stop smoking, he saved me in many ways, and to see him slip away hurts more than ever.

Once we got to her house, we didn't even say goodbye. He just left. It's like he didn't even care as if he hated me. I don't know how much longer I will be able to handle this. I have to tell him sooner or later. Seungmin wasn't just any boyfriend, he was my best friend, he was my first love, the person that saved me showed me someone loved and cared about me, he was always there for me and I don't think I'll ever get that back.

I stopped at the gas station and guilty bought a pack of cigarettes. I opened the pack and started smoking. He wouldn't care anyway.

At the house

I got home and Changbin looked at me. "Hyunjin are you smoking again," he said in a whisper. I looked at him and walked away. "I asked you a question," Changbin says gradually getting louder. "Yes, now will you be quiet," I say snapping. "why," he asks moving closer to me. Felix walks in but Changbin whispered to him to go really fast, Felix understood why and left. "Him" I whispered. "Hyunjin don't start it again, it's not worth it your going to get sick and bad," he said hugging me. "it hasn't even been a day and I already miss him," I say squatting down to cry on his shoulder.

I felt another pair of arms and it was Han. Being hugged by them both felt nice. Changbin just gave the best hugs they were warm, tight, and secure. Han hugs were warm and you just felt loved.

We all slowly broke the hug and went our different ways. I went up to the I.N room, he wasn't doing to hot either. "Bar," I say looking at him. "Chan said he's never giving me a fake ID I have to wait" He huffed. "Let's go make you one," I say pulling him.


I could smell It, I could tell and smell he was smoking again. Seungmin got him to stop and helped him but now he is doing it again. I think this is going to affect him badly or he won't be able to keep it from him.

Hyunjin POV

We finished his ID and headed over to the bar. We walked there and just the feeling outside I knew Seungmin would've loved it. He loved fall weather it was always his favorite. Before we dated he would force me on walks during the fall. We always were laughing and smiling talking about random stuff that was on our mind.

I took out a cigarette and I.N gave me an uneasy look. "Want one," I say holding one out. He looks at me with the weirdest face.


Chan would've killed me if I took it because he would've found out somehow. I swear that man has eyes everywhere. Once he finds out I went to the bar he's going to put Hyunjin and I in a chokehold.

After a couple of minutes, I let my thoughts about Cassy run wild. God, I already missed our cuddles more than anything. Her sweet kisses, her smell, her laugh, everything about her was absolutely amazing. I loved the little dates we use to go on from getting food or coffee to going to the beach. I really thought she was the one, I was positive she was. I loved her so much, even though we had dated for a couple of months I still loved her more than anything in the world. I had a crush on her for like 3 years too. I miss her. Either I'll have to wait or Hyunjin will explode and tell Seungmin. I'm good at hiding things, I just don't want anyone to get hurt.

We showed our ID and walked into the bar and I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces.

Hyunjin POV

We both walked in. Sitting there was Seungmin and Cassy kissing. I felt like a bullet went through my chest.

A couple more chapters until the book are over! I hope you are enjoying it!

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